Day 367: The Are You For Real Challenge



The Are You For Real Challenge.


Looking further into the content of the word Cursory, seeing how through the word Care, there still remain within me movements that can undermine the grounding of my living Diligence for me in support of me in how I live this life.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have exist within me still a remnant of a mutated form of Care that I have defined in my own self interest, as something that I did not get for me, from a perspective that it was my right to get it, and seeing it in this way, as if it were a right of nurture, and in not receiving care for me in the way I had defined it, that therefore it was also my right to be personally offended, that creating a stance of blame for this perceived neglect was therefore valid.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create a starting point for myself within this point of blame, in which I have deliberately thrown away my access to my self direction, in which I have accepted and allowed myself to suppress my self responsibility.


I forgive myself that as a child I accepted and allowed sentences to form within my mind in which I spoke to projections of my parents saying, Ok, You don’t care for me, therefore I will not care for myself, so there! This is who I am as the consequence of your actions; I will stand as a reminder of your neglect! When you look at me you will see your crime, and you will always feel guilty for it! That is my curse!


Oops, I am pushing the boat here with these dramatics, and yet though amplified, these were some of the currents that existed for real within my mind. These were relationships to myself and to others that existed in my definition of Care, and therefore formed a part of how I lived and experienced myself within this word.


From a starting point such as this it was but a step away from substantiating the words of the withering poet – Farewell, Cruel World! – With, in saying such a thing, an apparent wealth of  access to indulgences of self-pity and regret. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed such a stance to exist within me.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to put a positive value into self pity, through which what I experienced was a constant validation of this blame, and my own design of validation of self neglect. I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to romanticize this personality as a fable such as becoming as a noble vagrant on the roads of life. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to substantiate the word Care in such a way that I had written into it a blueprint for my life. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to condition into me a program for a life without responsibility for who I am within and as the life of me. Within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live within and as a decree that I will never in this life really in fact know who I am for real, but instead will function as the outplay of a reaction to the world.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to embody this Cursory personality design and that within and as this stance that I have accepted and allowed fear of responsibility as a fear of loss of this validation of myself in blame and in self neglect. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear losing the validation that I have defined for me in this stance of blame. I forgive myself that I have not accepted or allowed myself in participating in this fear, to see that if this is something I might really lose, then it is not real.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see in in a perception of being not cared for, that therefore in myself I had no value. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to out of this perception create a validation for myself that existed in who I am as blame. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed to believe as a reality about myself that I am essentially not good enough, because otherwise I would have had this care. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define care within my life as conditional on my value.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create a personality that stands on a judgement of myself in relation to this perception of myself in having no value, that I have designed for me a value of a kind in being superior to this part of me that has no value in itself. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hide this part of me away that I have judged.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear what might be exposed of me within the Challenge of: Are you for real? I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear such questions, and to project such questions onto those around me. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear to see myself for real within seeing such designs of acceptance and allowance as who I am.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear the Challenge of: Are you for real? In seeing within the fabrications and the programming in which I have accepted and allowed myself to exist, an experience of guilt as being exposed within my crimes. I forgive myself within this that what I fear in this experience is the guilt that I have wished on others in my projections of them where I have validated me as standing for the righteousness of blame.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear the Challenge of: Are you for real? :In seeing exposed within myself the realities of me within and as not being real, but within a stance of protecting something that is false within me. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear the Challenge of: Are you for real? :And in being challenged thus to really look at me and within that see a Challenge to Embrace myself in seeing myself in constructs of deception.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself within and as this personality design to judge myself when a memory comes up of me in programmed interaction with the world. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to through acting as this judgement have accepted and allowed myself to suppress these moments. Within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to embody such a personality within and as a part of me, that functions with a timeline fractured by redactions and restricted access, and yet is not aware of that, but somehow breathes the air of a cursory world that is only in the mind, a world in which reality has been edited by the cursory programming.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed the Cursory within my acts of self suppression, the memories and moments in which I see myself for real within and as the programming, in the sense of how I really am and who I really am within those moments. Within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see myself in Fear in seeing myself for real, and I see that I must let go of this judgement that is placed in here, a judgement anchored into the core of a belief that who I am is not good enough to be exposed, that this essential part of me should be in some way, laid to rest, not dwelt on, not considered.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself in life moments within and as a Cursory Design to have projected on the world a post-apocalyptic scenario, in which in some way – way back there – there was a moment in which I believed that I had lost everything, and had somehow become possessed within this thought, and become a victim within and as it. I forgive myself within this that I have accepted and allowed myself to place my own validation of myself that is here into the hands of my projected world where I have seen there comes a moment in which I see and realise that it’s not real, but rather than turning to myself to check this out, I have instead gone into an imagination of myself as existing in a world in which my validation has fallen and is lost. I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see that what I had lost was an illusion.



I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear to look into and see myself within existing as that world, to fear the experience within that of who I am and how I am within it. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear the impact of my judgement if I were to look at me and simply see me. Within all of this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create fear within me by defining me according to the limitations of ‘not good enough’ in which I have made of existence as who I am as a comparison of the mind, existing in dimensions of competition and winning and loss, and failure.



I commit myself to continue to deconstruct this personality and release myself from these Cursory systems, so as to redefine myself in Care for real being in consideration for what is best for me and best for all as me in the moments of my life, and within that care that I can look upon myself in and as living self forgiveness, that I can see a memory and instead of judging me, I embrace myself in seeing what I am doing, and in seeing this, not be any longer as disempowered but instead to change me in it.




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Day 366: BREADTH


Day 366: BREADTH


In support of who I am waking up, and being Awake, some words for me to live. BREADTH: Here a word that comes with Stretch, where in Stretch, my extended arms reach into and through that Breadth of me, through that physical sensations of the muscles, and opening a deeper breath. Within this the word Breadth is both intimate within me and also through the out stretch of my arms an expression of the breadth of all I can embrace: also at the same time a gesture of the broad horizons.


Thus in Stretch, and then in Breadth, a letting go of the constrictions that have accumulated in me, and in sounding it, a relaxation of the chest, an adjustment into deeper levels in my breath as me. Who am I within Constriction?


For the arms to Stretch, the shoulders brace like anchors, and those anchors radiate in all directions from the shoulder blade so as for the arm limbs to reach out. Who am I within the anchorage of this extension of my arms? This is where I see how a pattern or this Cursory personality configuration could eventually affect the muscle tones of specific anchors, where they may have been constantly restricted and in charge. So here in Breadth and reaching out, I realise how I have been also in a way working on a tension in my shoulder.


Breadth: that opens out the linear dimension, accommodating substance: I spread my toes; there is delight in my toes, those intricate muscles of my balance, a delight within those rooting gestures in my toes’ expression. The sandals that in walking Diligence, I gave a place to, out of gratitude and appreciation, and which with diligence as who I am, by placing these in a place for them beside my bed, I had both closed the moment of the active day, and at the same time laid out the beginnings of another. So in Stretch and Breadth, I reach my toes into the sandals.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give cursory placings to the things around me, through which I have expressed myself as negligence, within a spiteful lack of care for me. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have exist within me a spitefulness towards my life where I have in moments exalted in that split of being as superior to life as in being not good enough for me, in which I have accepted and allowed myself to rise above myself and live this spite as Cursory placings for the things around me, cursory, in cursory valuations of the moments.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live as an objection to myself, or as in being offended in some way by me expressed within the ways that I neglect myself. I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see that it is me that I am sabotaging within this point.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed as real this definition of being as not good enough. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself within this point, and to live that judgement out, as sourced from that belief. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed a belief to become an anchor of my physical behaviour. I forgive myself within and as this starting point.

In my commitment to live Diligence I continue to meet different facets of the Cursory, and so I continue to release these facets. Such as: within the muscle tones of my shoulder anchorage, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed a constant restriction and charging to exist. And so I release these muscles within the total extension of reaching out, and bringing Breadth into my life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in a resentment of myself expressed in cursory placings for the things around me. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed enactments of the Cursory as a resentment of the mind toward the physical.


Within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see how what I was expressing in this was a life of blame, and a blame of life: it was my abdication from responsibility for what was happening in the starting point of who I am in relation to my life.


Within and as this starting point I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to embody a cursory personality in acts of dismissal of the value in a moment of my life. So therefore in respect of my support for me in which I have given to my sandals a place to be, in a way I have placed Diligence into the new beginning of the day.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not wake up into a new day, but to wake up instead into a cursory programming.


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Day 365: Fear of Change and Challenge



Day 365: Fear of Change and Challenge  


Seeing how I am still defining something that I see as really difficult, or even impossible, right now, as a Challenge, I see how I have defined Challenge within this difficulty or obstruction that I am seeing: where, ok interpreting this difficulty as a Challenge opens it up in the way that I am facing it as something that I’m going to work with/on/at, and yet I realise that this aspect of Challenge itself is not something that I have looked at: that it does involve some difficulty, and practically this may be so, but it also does involve some limitation that I have put on me, that I have included in some way into a self definition, that in reacting to a boundary that I have set within me, I do not see the simple testing process, the opportunity to test the grounding in myself, that exists in Challenge, but what I have been looking at instead has been like some rigid aspect of my definition of me: such as Who I am is that I can’t do this, or that, and within that, changing who I am towards this difficulty involves a fear of losing part of me, where what I do not want to be aware of is that this difficulty that I see is exactly this that is confronting me, this fear of changing who I am in how I have defined myself to be, towards this thing, and not seeing this, I am looking round this fear and seeing the difficulty as something that exists outside of me, a form of blame in a way.

The example of this, out of which I am writing, is in seeing some insurmountable difficulty in writing what is happening: facing apparently a wall, in which I am participating in a fear of not having any access to myself, and fear of being in that experience of  stuck, and victim to that wall, and so being in an experience of disempowerment.

And within that, being tempted to avoid this wall, this belief of not having access to myself, to walk away and maybe come back later, from a different angle maybe, or in some story to myself, when magically a door had reappeared. Like, in a way, that later on, I might get lucky with my mind, and then going into that as form of comfort, walking into a world in which I had completely forgotten about my own responsibility throughout myself, and so also in definitions of myself that I have accepted and allowed within myself within ‘I can’t do that’ and ‘I can’t get access’ and within that fear of who I am within and as these limitations. Where in relation to Challenge, I am seeing the challenge as something that exists in this focus on this apparent difficulty in the light of blame, rather than seeing the Challenge as a part of me, that the Challenge itself is existing really in a challenge in myself to let go of these definitions of myself as limited by the mind, as not responsible for this experience of myself as disempowered, as subject to a condition of my mind.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear the experience of disempowerment, and within that fear, to not allow myself to see that what I am in fact protecting is a definition of myself within ‘I can’t do that’ and so experiencing myself as this limitation. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to project the limitations that I have accepted and allowed as who I am onto tasks and ventures and investigations that are here for me, and that I have accepted and allowed myself to see difficulties that apparently block my way, rather than seeing and realizing and understanding that I am the way that with my definitions of myself that I am blocking. Within that I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see that I am in fact the door that I believe I cannot open, that in seeing a wall that is outside of my awareness that I can simply ask myself who am I within myself in seeing it thus, what is it in myself that makes it seem like this, and how can I change myself towards this difficulty that I see, how much of this difficulty has a starting point in who I am towards it. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed the backchat of ‘I can’t do this’ to exist within me, and that through fear of rediscovering for myself the apparent reality of this, that I have accepted and allowed this backchat to have a deciding influence on me and over me, in which I do not question it, in which in a way that I am saying that I know everything about my being and about my limitations. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to listen to the thought that ‘I can’t get access’ where I have accepted and allowed memories to come up inside me of instances of being locked out, of being without a key, and that I have accepted and allowed such memories to come up in me and then somehow validate this relationship of me towards myself.



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SOUL –  The School of Ultimate Living is an online community of people interested in
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Day 364: Ok: I’m Awake, get Used to it…


Day 364: Ok: I’m Awake, get Used to it…


Living a word – not in the long term context of: as for the rest of my life, or forever, or in a way that I would then require a process or total renovation job – but simply in this context of who I am in this moment of me in this my life – seeing that in this activity that I am in, that I am beginning to slip into thought participations and back-chats, inner dialogues, that are contributing into and as a general mood, that will inevitably seem to justify a decision to postpone what I am doing…


So in this moment – a simple word to live right here and now – in which I can experience myself, and pay attention to how my body is responding to it; which word, this morning, Stretch! This vibrant, sort of entering-the-world, irresistible physical word; saying it out aloud and letting the sound resonate throughout my body came as a momentary solution bridge for me as I began to loll back into sleepiness and temptations to return back to and into sleep.


There is a recognition here of a commitment to myself, that if it were a campaign, I would call it, Ok: I am awake, get Used to it! And through this, seeing face on the denial of this plain fact to be like written into the opening lines and fables of the lullabies and inductions of the mind… Stretch! Like open me, lengthen me, occupy myself, invigorate, breathe, reach, and so then, pull the blankets off, dispel that cozy comfort zone, Ok I’m awake, I admit it all! Ha, Ha! And then, what?


This is where the programming comes back to settle down again with thoughts around this ‘Then What’ question, suggesting that if I do not have an immediate answer for this, then what’s the point, surely some more sleep will do no harm, there still is time to roll back into bed and find a different way to start again, maybe in an hour or two…


And so it’s Stretch, and in Stretch, that I am here, Awake, and in being Awake that I see how I have been listening to this voice that is telling me who and how I am, and that I am attempting to convince myself that this is me, and then shifting into thoughts in which I gradually arrive into a wanting to be persuaded in this invitation, there being this negative region of emptiness ahead… and yet I cannot get around it, I cannot avoid the fact that really I am Awake here, and I utilize this Stretch to support me in myself within admitting this to me, within admitting to myself that in fact I have been awake for quite some time…


So, kind of using Stretch to support myself in deliberately stabilizing me within this responsibility of being Awake. That ‘I direct myself’ within this being Awake, is in a way a normality that I need to redefine, that of course, it’s always been that way, but for through the dreamy night that I have returned myself to a platform of normality being as that mostly who I am is as directed by the mind, and from the perspective of that platform, that directing me is an exception.


Deliberately changing of that platform is an ongoing work, where gradually I gather strength within myself and within strengthening my self honesty that I come to admitting into me that yes I cannot any longer be denying this fact that I am awake, and today, that I focus on my sandals that I have placed beside the bed, that recently I have given to my sandals a place to be, which has also been a new support for me, that I have instigated within and as living Diligence in my life.




See Eqafe’s New series Heart of Matter, and: The Key to World Change

See Also on YouTube SOUL : One Word Opens many Doors



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Day 363: Challenge, Exploration, Further, and Nearer


Day 363: Challenge, Exploration, Further, and Nearer


As with the word glimpse, containing in a way that first sighting of a thing, the raw material of it, like the presence of the sea, suddenly revealed, direct, before interpretation processes begin to close it down, and moderate the intensity, and measure out significance, where what was for a moment simply open gradually shuts down and is replaced with simulations; that is how reality is dulled and systemized with processed and preprocessed words.

So many of the words that I have functioned with are words I have not lived, or really even noticed that I have not lived, or realised what I’ve done, that I have willingly dispensed with their Vitality, accepting them according to a world that is only in the corridors of mind, and is a world in which I have not asked myself who I am within it, because within such words conditioned as they are with my experience, there is no place for such a question to exist.

And so like as with the revelation of the glimpse, so also with the word Magnificence; existing in some way for me in pulling off the veils of my reluctance and looking for the first time into a word, and into this word, Challenge. I feel so grateful that during this life here on Earth, that I have lived such moments, that I have not always slept within the words, being channeled through the systems that I myself have accepted and allowed to be installed within them.


So for me here as I gradually redefine myself in Challenge, what I see reflected in the word is an opportunity of Life, an opportunity of movement, an opportunity to test the ground, an opportunity to test the grounding in myself. And specifically in the process of redefining words so as to live them, bringing Challenge back into and as a part of me from all those far-flung worlds of Exploration and Discovery that my childhood me projected in Adventure games.



See Eqafe’s New series Heart of Matter, and: The Key to World Change

See Also on YouTube SOUL : One Word Opens many Doors



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Day 362: All in Change – Dimension of Challenge


Day 362: All in Change – Dimension of Challenge


Some self forgiveness seems so massive that I know that I must remind myself continually and commit myself to somehow find a way to live it, deepen it: like in the realization that one cannot just simply forgive oneself for everything, and that is that, because of simply the reality of the specific nature of all the layers and instances and living moments of me in ‘I am’ misalignments that all together go into and accumulate and contribute into that experience of everything.


And yet in having a relationship with my body and making changes to that there is a realization of that who I am as being inclusive of the physical extension of me as being into the physical realm of my body that there is a forgiveness that I must learn to live that is a kind of an ‘everything’ forgiveness, in which I learn the all of me is one together as the all of me, and that is what I learn to move as one in the realization of the separation that exists in my relationship ‘to’ my body, rather than my relationship with and as my body as including me, as all of me.


There is a specific relationship here that is one of spite towards my body which is gathered up physically into for example a point of pain in the muscle group as a knot on my right shoulder blade, and releasing this I have found is possible as a work of all of me as all of me, while in my mind, this same point that I forgive is that I have accepted and allowed myself to walk a relationship of spite as recognizing the unconditional nature of support that is this part of me as my body, and then abusing that; seeing some advantage of a positioning of me as mind as of a master to a faithful servant that I have seen myself as being free to secretly abuse, this unconditional part of me, that in my relationship of me as fear connected to responsibility, that I have throughout my life made ways and means and channels for the spite and blame to be directed into the physical parts of me, that absorbent and receptive nature of this physical realm of unconditional support.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to throughout the years allow this relationship of spite towards myself to become within my own terms naturalized, within which I have accepted and allowed my ‘terms’ to be suppressed within me. I forgive myself that I have in my life accepted and allowed myself to participate intensively as blame of my body for not being there for me, for not being able to carry out the demands of who I am as tyranny within who I am within and as my mind, within which I have accepted and allowed myself to blame my body for not being there for me as an extension of my mind. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed to exist within me as who I am within this spite to have exist within me this underwritten statement of therefore, I shall walk alone, secretly in spite of the unconditional support of this part of me as the physical that I must therefore hold as separate from me, to validate this spite.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define Challenge according to my self interests, and through the nature of these self interests, and that I have accepted and allowed for Challenge to define me. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to shape my life according to avoiding Challenge, and for not allowing myself to see that in avoiding challenge that I have accepted and allowed myself to have avoided testing out myself, to have avoided testing out my steps of learning, to have avoided establishing in me through testing me a trust in who I am as capable of change.


I commit myself to walk this All in Change as Challenge with remaining present with me as All of me, where Challenges arrive for me in support of me such as Challenges to drop my old-self patterns and relationships within me, and within that to recognize that Challenges such as this are Challenges that all must walk as what is present here, the challenge to Humanity to change, as both All and individual as All in self alone.



See Eqafe’s New series Heart of Matter, and: The Key to World Change

See Also on YouTube SOUL : One Word Opens many Doors



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Day 361: Potentialities of Challenge


Day 361: Potentialities of Challenge


Experiencing for myself a quality of Receptivity in Challenge, as in being open to the possibilities of Challenge as being shared, as well as being open to ideas of How-To, there is like a new space, a new potential for me in the word Challenge: seeing in how lifting from the word the definitions and experiences of me as disempowered, and isolated, there is also the possibility of the word Challenge to become as an empowering word.


Such as in the very redefinition of words: it is self-empowering, in having the tools for example, with which to approach a problem and through that to approach a solution. And with words themselves: realizing how a word has been as a problem in some way, not being supportive but instead limiting or compromising, and yet having the tools with which to make adjustments is empowering: embracing the problems of a word, and understanding them, and so having the power to lift the veils within them, and so to see solutions, and to redirect and change.


But not only that, but to find a new way in which here for me to bring this word Challenge deliberately into and as a part of my life, in respect of Challenge, the word, and in respect of me as living it. I mean, I do not want just for Challenge to only not be a problem for me anymore, because I see how in that I would be in a way limiting the potentiality of Challenge itself, and so me within that: what I want is to pay respect to what I see in Challenge as being Magnificent, and in respect of me in that perception of it, to not give up on me in my perceptions, but find the means to practically live this.


And saying this, I have to breathe, and not allow myself to let the word Magnificent be overpowering, with all of it’s heavenly paraphernalia, and within that to not let Extraordinary become Supernatural, but as in having Magnificence remain within the simple Earthly facts of growth and change and breaking out of programs, as for example the magnificence I see within an individual standing up and speaking from the heart of what is real.




See Eqafe’s New series Heart of Matter, and: The Key to World Change

See Also on YouTube SOUL : One Word Opens many Doors



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SOUL –  The School of Ultimate Living is an online community of people interested in
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DIP PRO -A Desteni Course for those Ready to Walk the Journey to Life

Day 360: Approaching the word Challenge


Day 360: Approaching the word Challenge


In this excursion into what I have created as who I am in relationship to the word Challenge, I now return to the word Challenge itself. In looking at Challenge in the context of being Challenged in a supportive way, and seeing the invitation within that to support another being in their challenge of themselves, by becoming as a part of that same challenge: so an insight into how the word Challenge might be opening to me as having a receptive quality that I had never seen before.


Seeing this also made it clear how there had been something that I’d placed between me and the word itself, which was as a reaction to Challenge in going into a state of disempowerment in myself and then seeing Challenge in a way through the eyes of that. And being in and as that disempowerment, I could not see that there was any form of distortion or obstruction, but instead looked on Challenge through that filter, and saw the word Challenge as being hard and resilient, radiating all this power itself.


And the sort of power I saw had an aggressive quality because it was more like a confrontation, with connotations such as throwing down the gauntlet, competition and fighting for superiority, and in that game also in not picking up that gauntlet, a loss of honour. And triggering that quick transition into a state of disempowerment in front of Challenge, there was an abdication point…


Ok writing this, comes up the word Point, and seeing how I am accepting and allowing myself to react to this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define the word Point as something alien to me, as something separate from me, as something so specific that I cannot avoid, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into fear as an experience of myself in seeing the hardness, sharpness of the Point, and seeing at the same time who I am within and as avoidance. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself in being and becoming as avoidance of the point of truth in me. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be experiencing discomfort in myself in seeing the word Point in front of me as a threat to the ambiguity within myself that has become a comfort zone. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create a comfort zone within avoidance of specificity. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create an experience of anxiety in relation to the word Point. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed the word Point as being potentially a threat to my inflations of the mind and to what I have accepted and allowed myself to define as real. I forgive myself that I have not accepted or allowed myself to see the Eye of the Needle as being also the point of truth in me. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I can somehow validate some idea of reality in myself and at the same time avoid the Point. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear the point as in fearing a pin that might pin me down into and as a definition of myself that I cannot shift or take responsibility for and so be able to direct it. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define the truth of me as a point of blame. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into wanting to hide myself within the presence of the point of truth of me.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear responsibility; I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to attach an experience of fear to the word Responsibility. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create a negative experience of myself in relation to the word Responsibility. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to suppress and hide within me awareness of the moments in my life where I have detached myself from Responsibility, and so within that, disguised from my own awareness the means of disempowerment of myself. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself in being responsible for my disempowerment of myself, and that within that judgement have accepted and allowed myself to detach myself from the very life of me and so accepted and allowed myself to collapse within myself in the presence of the word Challenge. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to undermine the process of my living life in judging such mistakes within my approach to life and within the approach of life to me in which I forgive myself that I have not accepted or allowed myself to realise that I am one and equal in both.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realise and understand that within a natural testing process of myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be reacting to the possibility and the probability of making mistakes, within which I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become enslaved to an image of Perfection. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give up on myself and to withdraw from me, when I see that I am going to expose myself to me as being Imperfect. Within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to accept an existence of myself as in not learning who I am, as in not expanding in and as myself, for the sake of living as an image of myself as Perfect as defined within myself according to my mind.



See Eqafe’s Atlantean Perfection Series, a 10 part process of walking through and redefining Perfection starting with: Perfection: The Unholy Trinity

See Eqafe’s New series Heart of Matter, and: The Key to World Change

See Also on YouTube SOUL : One Word Opens many Doors



… continuing next post …



SOUL –  The School of Ultimate Living is an online community of people interested in
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Self and Living – Practical Living Support To Live to Your Utmost Potential
DIP Lite – Free Online Course to get you started with learning the Tools of Self Support
DIP PRO -A Desteni Course for those Ready to Walk the Journey to Life

Day 359: Housework in Moments


Day 359: Housework in Moments


Once again, there is a sense of gratitude with me in establishing more and more the word Diligence as a living part of me – that I can extend from and as this new asset of me in the way of application of New Diligence into further exploration of Drive, and now, further into this word Moment and Momentum.


There is a kind of background process of who I am in fundamental as real, going on within me, such as learning how to stay with me in kind of looking at the word Everything and realizing that I have been seeing it written upside down and backwards and inside out, a kind of experience like that, and through that realizing the unlimited extent that I have accepted and allowed this consciousness to pervade and permeate all I thought was Real, and therefore through the outplay of that belief, in my mind seeing it as being Reliable. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react to a floaty feeling in my fingers as I write, by participating in anxiety, and insecurity, where my fingers for a moment shed the trappings of the past as following the routine practices of articulation, and I commit myself to redefine Reliability, with I in Real that is Here that does not depend upon a holographic context image of what is Everything that I have accepted and allowed as a projection of the world ‘out there’, that is Able from this source of me, to reconstruct this world perspective that I have previously accepted and allowed as real.


So, in fundamentals of my living life, in this reconstruction process, I am asked me who I am in Moments, and in Momentum, as in how is this transition from one Moment to another Moment, that who I am in this living moment of me can learn to carry me into another living moment, and so make for neutral movement that could be as Drive something that is real within my life?


So in a way I continue walking Diligence, applied to Moments – in being aware of me that is in a moment as a part of me, seeing that the moments are attended to, and finished in a way, in the way that moving to the next moment is clear. And asking me in deepening thoroughness of Diligence, questions such as: Has this moment been addressed? Is there a completion here? Is this transition from one moment to the next being cleanly done? And so here comes up for me the word Clean in a different light, as Clean movement, as part of the dynamics in a way of the movement from one moment to the next; opening the next in a way that gives opportunity of the next moment to be open and new, and not conditioned by the things that might have been left outstanding.


See Eqafe’s New series Heart of Matter, and: The Key to World Change

 See Also on YouTube SOUL : One Word Opens many Doors


… continuing next post …



SOUL –  The School of Ultimate Living is an online community of people interested in
discovering and developing their utmost potential – Invest in a wide range of Interviews and Support yourself to Self Perfection
Journey To Life Blogs – Read the blogs from those walking the 7 year journey to life.
Self and Living – Practical Living Support To Live to Your Utmost Potential
DIP Lite – Free Online Course to get you started with learning the Tools of Self Support
DIP PRO -A Desteni Course for those Ready to Walk the Journey to Life

Day 358: Drive and a Moment of Momentum


Day 358: Drive and a Moment of Momentum


Reading through my previous writing, which set forth from the starting point of Drive, I noticed how I represented me as standing on a junction of the roads, surrounded yes by traffic, cars, and drivers; but also that I was surrounded by lots of moments, other people’s moments, pigeon’s moments, moments everywhere flying all around me, and past me, in the traffic.


And something that I did not see was how this word Moment was here for me, all around me, you could say in a way trying to catch my attention, but I had not stepped back from this enough to see, till later on, when in a completely different context the word came up again, within Momentum, and then I saw how for me Momentum could become for me a part of Drive.


How I came to this was looking into the word Moment, and considering that there are these things called moments in my life; not measurements of ‘time’ exactly, more like parts of life, where for me a moment of my life is kind of intimate and personal in a way, that in a world that had no clocks or hours or seconds, there would still be moments of my life, moments of awareness here.


It is like that within this there is a realization for me that I can actually live these moments of my life; that they belong to me, as part of me, that this then is actually for me real-time, in which who I am within this is what is real, and in that how I move myself within these moments, is how I can see that I could live momentum, sort of utilizing these moments of my life as me, in which I move myself within these moments.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see how for me I could not find access for myself in real-time, and that I have instead accepted and allowed myself to suppose that I could accommodate myself to that. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be not considering me as in this life as me in this relationship that I made to real-time. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be as less than real-time in this relationship. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define real as something that is out there, as something that I must aspire to live. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I can somehow live an idea of time that is in my mind.


See Eqafe’s: The Key to World Change

 See Also on YouTube: One Word Opens many Doors


… continuing next post …



SOUL –  The School of Ultimate Living is an online community of people interested in
discovering and developing their utmost potential – Invest in a wide range of Interviews and Support yourself to Self Perfection
Journey To Life Blogs – Read the blogs from those walking the 7 year journey to life.
Self and Living – Practical Living Support To Live to Your Utmost Potential
DIP Lite – Free Online Course to get you started with learning the Tools of Self Support
DIP PRO -A Desteni Course for those Ready to Walk the Journey to Life