Day 231: Freedom

Human Rights and the Equal Life Foundation  •  • 

See: The Equal Life Foundation Bill of Rights

Living Income Guaranteed: The Proposal



Day 231: Freedom

 Freedom is that there is but One Way to Go

“We are now within the physical reality existence where every detail minutest tiniest smallest part of ourselves is fragmented into everything that is here as this physical existence, and now we are in a living manifestation of our absolute utmost separation, so with being within that total separation from ourselves as reaching the complete and total bottom darkest deepest pit that we can find ourselves in within existence. There is only one way to go now, which is walking ourselves back to ourselves, in bringing everything of ourselves back to ourselves, and returning our selves to our selves. And we have got our entire map which is our minds and this physical existence – its all manifested into individual parts, individual manifestations, individual experiences, individual expressions – all we have to do is take ourselves part by part to ourselves back to ourselves within ourselves.”

Extract from The Atlanteans 14 Establishing Individuality

 How can our reality described in these words be apprehended and realised while all the words are defined and charged as energy by our consciousness interpretations – because these words – from the Portal interview – are not referring to the world mind consciousness illusion, the everyday energy awareness reality – the words refer to the actual physical reality that is here in Equality and Oneness. Reacting to these words one would define themselves in energy, and then be unable to grasp the actual facts presented, the simple facts of ourselves here in separation from the one and equal in and as the physical – where reactions such as judging the contents, defining them as something, and within that dismissing or replacing them with replicas as knowledge and information, making relationships of comparison, activating feelings, all movements of the energy, movements of defined and networked system energy, and all of it in relationship to this I defined in energy, valued in terms of energy, defined in separation from this physical reality. That is how the mind is like a map – we have to walk our definitions of ourselves, in self forgiveness give ourselves back to ourselves, walk ourselves out of the energy awareness reality in which we have accepted and allowed for ourselves to become defined.

I commit myself to as and when the word freedom arises, to stop and breathe, I stay with myself here in the physical, I cross reference within me for connections that I have accepted and allowed, the definitions that I have made of me in separation as energy, because I see and realise and understand that the only freedom is in realizing what I have accepted and allowed, and how I did it, and walking out of it. I commit myself to align my actions in and as this word freedom as a tributary of this purpose for all, as what is best for all. 


Creation’s Journey to Life : Day 529: Bubbles and The Theory of Everything – Part 3

Heaven’s Journey to Life:  From Responding/Reacting to the Mind to Response-ability/Direction in Reality (part2): Day 478



Here are the instructions to the process of accessing our life-force, our beingness, our physical bodies and walking through the mind and consciousness.

EQAFE: ‘The Crucifixion of Jesus’, has been a great support to me because hear within these interviews, presented through the Portal, the actual teachings of Jesus, rather than the ones that were to be, after his death, tweaked and twisted into the four approved versions of his life as the Gospels. How the political message of Equality and the reality of Equality and Oneness were skewed into a religious mantra so as to suit the interests of the system.

The Quantum Mind

This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact and in specific detail.

The FREE DIP LITE Course available to All  – simply sign up and start- This is a powerful free introduction to real self-exploration, and self realisation using the Desteni tools, with online support. This really is an opportunity of a life time.



Day 230: Real Power

Human Rights and the Equal Life Foundation  •  • 

See: The Equal Life Foundation Bill of Rights

Living Income Guaranteed: The Proposal






Day 230: Real Power


Continuing from the previous post:


Here doing some more investigation with me in support of me into the words and reactions that are the active components of the issue of disempowerment.


Releasing the polarities that I have attached to the word power as a step towards a solution for me in how to actually really live the word power, for how I am to clear this word power so as for it to eventually become a living word, this ‘how’ in practicality – because – seeing kind of in separation still – from this word power – that there is in fact and always has been real power in my ability to change – that while this word remains within my me-nings polarized and defined by me as energy experience – then the fact of this real power cannot be actually real-ized – and my ability to change is hampered and obstructed – because of my own acceptance and allowance – so that in writing the sentence ‘ I have the real power and ability to change’ I experience a tremor of fear or trepidation, because I am uttering a sentence that I have not fully as yet lived, and because the me-ning of ‘power’ that I am living now is not aligned with reality, but with positive energy experiences, and comes therefore, with negative polarities, such as (that is: defined by me as negative) ‘subjugation’, ‘control’, ‘restriction’ – so that in using the word power – connected up with freedom as positive experience) I open up a channel for this energy experience – and the fear and trepidation experience is generated out of this connection to who I am as and in these words.


It’s interesting how I have not realized that my enjoyment in using words is also the enjoyment of my real power, one and equal with all human beings, of defining the energies that come up from within me – and that what I have not looked at within this is the nature of this joy within enjoyment that I have defined and lived and so experienced, just as also the same as how I have defined and lived and experienced this word power, as all words in my vocabulary. In and as a reality where I have used words that I have already defined as tools to define other words and energy experience – then I can look upon this now and go into an experience of energy as overwhelm-ment – or I can remain with myself – realise that I am stable, here, grounded in breath in this physical reality, and realise that this experience of overwhelm- ment does not support me in any way – it is simply that I have opened up a vista of my programming – which in itself is not a mess – or chaotic – it is highly organized – and yes it is vast and complex and interconnected and interdependent, but all of it is relationships that I have, in my real power and ability, defined, and each of these relationships, specifically, I can use this same real power to no longer accept, to re-define, to self forgive, to re-align.


I have the power to accept or to not accept this system as ‘who I am’, I have the power to decide – I have the power to change decisions that I have made – and through incorporating these decisions into my physical reality – then I have the power to change me. This is real power – and is real strength – and seeing and realizing who I am in and as this real strength I can trust in that.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to put my trust into the systems of my mind, within which I have essentially through acceptance and allowance used my real power to disempower myself, because in abdicating responsibility for the characteristics of the words I live, I have become defined as such and become the victim of my own definitions.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to put trust into my mind and my imagination in which I have assigned imaginational activity the quality of strength and power to make up stories and alternative reality scenarios so as to justify and excuse and lie about the reality of who I am so as to defend and protect this illusion of myself as the mind.


To be continued


Creation’s Journey to Life : Day 529: Bubbles and The Theory of Everything – Part 3

Heaven’s Journey to Life:  From Responding/Reacting to the Mind to Response-ability/Direction in Reality (part2): Day 478


Here are the instructions to the process of accessing our life-force, our beingness, our physical bodies and walking through the mind and consciousness.

EQAFE: ‘The Crucifixion of Jesus’, has been a great support to me because hear within these interviews, presented through the Portal, the actual teachings of Jesus, rather than the ones that were to be, after his death, tweaked and twisted into the four approved versions of his life as the Gospels. How the political message of Equality and the reality of Equality and Oneness were skewed into a religious mantra so as to suit the interests of the system.

The Quantum Mind

This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact and in specific detail.

The FREE DIP LITE Course available to All  – simply sign up and start- This is a powerful free introduction to real self-exploration, and self realisation using the Desteni tools, with online support. This really is an opportunity of a life time.


Day 229: Waking into Energy

Human Rights and the Equal Life Foundation  •  • 

See: The Equal Life Foundation Bill of Rights

Living Income Guaranteed: The Proposal


Day 229:  Waking into Energy



A thought came up in my mind last night – it formulated as – if I stay up this late, I’ll never be able to get up in the morning – I was aware of its presence in my mind – and I accepted and allowed its existence to continue, unquestioned – even this word ‘never’ did not alert me.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to collaborate within and as these systems of consciousness, and for overlooking passing thoughts, and for not seeing and realizing that in accepting and allowing such lines of information as backchat in my mind that I am accepting and allowing the pre-programming of my reality.


It’s so interesting that a line of backchat can go by and not be recognized as a command or as an instruction of how to be – and how instead it passes as a harmless observation. And so it is that seeing it thus within that I accept this self manipulation.


So what a surprise, this morning I heard the alarm go off – way downstairs – I had ‘forgotten’ to bring it with me when I went to bed – and I was kind of awake, in a way, or in activation of energy systems more accurately, in a conflict whether to get up or not to get up – on which side of the conflict would ‘I’ make a decision – to disregard the apparently unpleasant experience that the memories were teaming up to indicate that I would have – exposing my body to the ‘shock’ of cold air – and disregarding this – to thence do what I had planned to do – or else to give in and give up to the temptations of returning through the justifications of being kind to myself and letting me rest a little longer, for the benefit of my well being etc. with any amount of other postponement constructs and devices available as back up in support of this – should they become necessary – and then returning into the warm folds of my bed, and into the coils of imagination, and oblivion.


Well – in fact, I got up.

Realisations while I was doing this was my relationship to this phrase ‘have to’ – rather than ‘I decide to’ – or rather than just simply doing it and being the action of it without an observation or a comment on it through my mind – but my realization was that I was reacting to these words ‘have to’, where in internal conversation in really a debate within myself – that I was using this phrase to convince and persuade myself that it, getting up, is what I ‘have’ to do, that there is no choice, and within this that I was in fact deliberately leaving a backdoor wide open. Why? Because this is like a tease in a way, I am accepting and allowing the dangling of a temptation in front of me, where there is an awareness of the reactions connected to ‘have to’, and I am accepting and allowing myself to be guided gently into that reaction, there I will stray into areas of compulsion, and the giving up and surrendering to conscious systems will be done – and then I will justify within I can’t get up, this tiredness is too strong, I need to sleep, and within that, curling up in comfort.

So looking at this ‘have to’ and my reactions to it – within the situation of having to do something, I experience a fear of loss of freedom of choice, that my dignity within and as a personality of free-choice has been undermined, and I am going into a belief that ‘I am being compelled’, and then experiencing myself as disempowered, and weak, and less-than – so in reaction what do I do, I empower myself by asserting my choice to not do what I believe ‘I am being compelled’ to do – where within this closed system, I have not considered at all what is the action that is being presented or its relationship to the implementation of my purpose in the context of physical reality – but only have reacted to this experience of myself within my mind and considered only strategies to avoid experiencing this disempowerment.



I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am empowered in and as an image of myself as ‘free’. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in experiences of positive energy as ‘power’ through this belief.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in experiences of negative energy as ‘disempowered’ when who I am and what I live within the word ‘free’ is threatened.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear experiencing myself as disempowered.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become controlled by fear of experiencing myself as disempowered.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to act out of fear of experiencing myself as disempowered and to have participated in thought processes to protect and defend who I am in how I live the word ‘free’.

To be continued


Creation’s Journey to Life : Day 529: Bubbles and The Theory of Everything – Part 3

Heaven’s Journey to Life:  From Responding/Reacting to the Mind to Response-ability/Direction in Reality (part2): Day 478


Here are the instructions to the process of accessing our life-force, our beingness, our physical bodies and walking through the mind and consciousness.

EQAFE: ‘The Crucifixion of Jesus’, has been a great support to me because hear within these interviews, presented through the Portal, the actual teachings of Jesus, rather than the ones that were to be, after his death, tweaked and twisted into the four approved versions of his life as the Gospels. How the political message of Equality and the reality of Equality and Oneness were skewed into a religious mantra so as to suit the interests of the system.

The Quantum Mind

This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact and in specific detail.

The FREE DIP LITE Course available to All  – simply sign up and start- This is a powerful free introduction to real self-exploration, and self realisation using the Desteni tools, with online support. This really is an opportunity of a life time.


Day 228: Self Questions, Fear and Judgement

Human Rights and the Equal Life Foundation  •  • 

See: The Equal Life Foundation Bill of Rights

Living Income Guaranteed: The Proposal


photograph : West Pier Brighton by Matthew Closs© 



Day 228: Self Questions, Fear and Judgement


Anu: “…understand that this is what your mind and your external environment’s primary function is – to initiate and stimulate your mind’s pre-programming – to activate particular energy experiences – to from there activate particular thought patterns, back-chats and emotions and feelings – all of which you then believe is who you are and so within that you are controlled – and within this is why and how we have so often explained that your external and internal is a mirror of yourself, and therefore the process exist first and foremost within absolute self–responsibility, absolute self-responsibility meaning that you first take responsibility for what is going on in your own mind. What are the thought patterns that are activating, what are their natures, why are reactions of emotions and feelings activating, what is the back-chat, what is this personality system that you are facing…”


An extract from: Interdimensional Technology of Deception and Manipulation – One of the Reptilian series of Portal interviews available at Eqafe.


What does Desteni stand for?

The above paragraph of information could be seen as a compact response to this question; showing how Desteni is opening and addressing a global issue, both internally and externally, and how and why it is that human beings are coming to Desteni and gathering as a group, having realized that a platform of real assistance and support is in place for those who wish to now at this stage in their process learn how to take directive principle and absolute responsibility for their minds.


This Journey to Life blog comes out of my responsibility to myself to face these systems that I had previously accepted as who I am, and in facing them, understanding them, and taking responsibility for them, and thence changing them. Along with this commitment to change myself, comes the responsibility of sharing this process, what it is that I am walking, what it is that I am facing, exposing the systems that I find within me in the realization of the assistance and support that I have found in others sharing their processes with me, the points they have faced, the resistances that have come up, the changes that they have brought about ultimately to a Mind Consciousness System that is common to all of us, and because of this, sharing solutions which are applicable by all of us.


Going back to the quote, and related questions: What is the primary function of my mind? What is the primary function of my external environment? What is my primary relationship to myself? How do I see myself in existence as a whole? Why is it that I have lived a life and not asked myself such questions? Is it really that my presence here in existence is a closed book, or is it that I have not opened the book and looked inside? What is it that happens when I open the book of me and look inside? What are these reactions that I have, these feelings, thoughts and judgements that come up, these sentences, these warnings and advices, these persuasions to desist?


The Question itself is like a kind of interdimensional technology – it is a probe – I can use this tool – I can ask myself these questions – and yet there is a fear – do I dare to question what I trust? That is do I dare to re-define what I have defined as unquestionable? In many ways I am the consequence of an unquestioning existence, that I have sort of washed up on the shore of where I am, rather than to have travelled here by my own direction. I have sort of arrived at who I am, not knowing how, having lived a sort of existential insecurity and placed my trust into the systems of the mind.


‘Placing my trust’. I mean what questions are raised writing this combination of three words? I mean how is it that I have become separate to trust in my existence, and thence to require a word for it, and a placing for it? Was it that I required for this word to exist? So that I could live it deliberately, knowing what it is, knowing what its value is so that I could live it in awareness as me?


Placing my trust into the mind, into consciousness, I have lived unquestioningly of what it is that I have done. So this question – why is it that I have lived a life and not asked myself such questions? – the implication of it is in this resort of placing my trust into the systems of the mind – where there are few self directed questions – but only systems of acceptance and allowance – where things are just the way they are.


So now, coming into specificity – there is a resistance here – as I open up the points of who I am as judgement – and so I breathe – I do not accept this experience of myself as the judgements that I have placed my trust in – I do not accept this experience of fear as I look upon the source of this fear, I breathe and stay with myself beside myself in the sense of me in support of me – so that I can enable myself to look upon these energies without slipping into them and becoming them.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that judgements are real, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to put my trust into systems of the mind, and then to have lived them as who I am, and then through that, experiencing myself as a consequence of how I have defined myself in judgement of myself, as not good enough, as wrong, as bad and so through that experienced fear of looking in myself and seeing me.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that fear is real. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to put my trust into the systems of the mind and into judgement and through this to put my trust in fear. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to trust in fear.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to trust in fear and to define this fear as protection from experiencing myself as the definitions of who I am that I have accepted and allowed through my trust in judgement.


Therefore I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create a loop of energy creation in the service of the mind where I go from judgment to fear and from fear to judgement, and for not seeing and realizing that I have accepted and allowed a systematization of myself in which at no point in the cycle is there any assistance and support for who I really am, but only the depletion of my physical body and the subjugation of my being.


The finality of judgement – where the multiple dimensionality of existence is reduced by consciousness into various moral compass points and levels of comparison, such as good and bad and more and less, and then things are defined in finality, in total – such as I am in the totality of myself, not good enough, and then the experience of me to go with that, belief of who or what I am according to this trusted mind, what is this experience, a belittling, an underminement, a destabilization, a disappointment, a shame, a core feel-bad experience. And then a ‘let’s not go there’ directive in relation to this experience, so that doors are closed and the enquiry is over. This is the finality of judgement, that the investigation is blocked, the enquiry does not happen, the questions do not get formed or asked, the book is not opened.


Here is where my walking through myself in self forgiveness stumbles, where I have not seen or realized that my self forgiveness has not been absolute – and there is no opening or unfolding of the statements, no ‘within this’ to them anymore.


Considering that in an entire existence that is in reality and in all parts one and equal, there is a mind system defining what is and what isn’t according to the interests of the energy out of which it emerges, assuming the authority and the singularity of a god and within and as this act of absolute defiance of reality, here accepting and allowing this there is in some deep awareness of self in this posture of arrogance and defiance – there is fear. There is an awareness of self in opposite alignment to the one and equal reality of existence.


How judgement engenders fear is a primary question for me, because I can see when I look into my history how I have resorted to and evolved into this trust in the mind, so that within this I see myself using same as my father, as my family, as my culture, unquestioningly judgements as a compass, as a tool to answer questions, and as a way to dismiss questions, as a way to close the enquiry, to block investigation, so as to hide the emptiness of my position that I have suppressed my option of checking within myself what is here – how in my external world I rarely received answers to questions that were not tempered in some way by judgement – it was the way of the environment in which I grew up – within which I became defined – so that in asking a question, I was ready to receive judgements, to resort to judgements and to knowledge and information in my mind – I gathered up a way to approach and to interpret this reality using my mind, following without question those around me into trusting the mind, rather than seeing and realizing that I am here stable within myself, a point of trust within and as my own awareness.



Creation’s Journey to Life : Day 529: Bubbles and The Theory of Everything – Part 3

Heaven’s Journey to Life:  From Responding/Reacting to the Mind to Response-ability/Direction in Reality (part2): Day 478



Here are the instructions to the process of accessing our life-force, our beingness, our physical bodies and walking through the mind and consciousness.

EQAFE: ‘The Crucifixion of Jesus’, has been a great support to me because hear within these interviews, presented through the Portal, the actual teachings of Jesus, rather than the ones that were to be, after his death, tweaked and twisted into the four approved versions of his life as the Gospels. How the political message of Equality and the reality of Equality and Oneness were skewed into a religious mantra so as to suit the interests of the system.

The Quantum Mind

This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact and in specific detail.

The FREE DIP LITE Course available to All  – simply sign up and start- This is a powerful free introduction to real self-exploration, and self realisation using the Desteni tools, with online support. This really is an opportunity of a life time.


Day 227: Humanity – the Word

Human Rights and the Equal Life Foundation  •  • 

See: The Equal Life Foundation Bill of Rights

Living Income Guaranteed: The Proposal



Day 227: Humanity – the Word


“We are all of us each other in different lives.” Bernard Poolman.

Thus… we are all of us on a journey to eventually see realise and understand and live the reality of this statement. Ok there’s a way to go but ‘Eventually’: this means after a long sequence of events, and a sequence of events is the reference to the timeline on which we stand here in our existences. This transitional aspect of our lives here is one and the same for all of us, and the realization of who we are as beings in process, beings in a life history, family history, generational and cultural history, in a history of existences here on Earth, realisations and perspectives of who we and each other are within this context, with all of the manifestation of the consequences of ourselves in an infinite variety of forms – these are steps along the way.  Writing this – me writing this – who am one of these – existences – beings in transition – in process of change – can only look within me to see what others are – and thus to use the word Humanity from the starting point of who I am.

Who I am as a single element of humanity becomes clear when I sound the word humanity out into physical space and in through my physical ears, in my voice, my resonance, and I realise that there are charges of energy within this word that I have accepted and allowed to be connected to it, contained by it – the question thus before me is how do I as a being substantiate the word Humanity, what do I impulse and project into the world and into the ears of others from this, how do I live this, how do I react to me as this.

Walking through the point of judgement, self judgement – not as a single point – that illusion of singularity seems to be part of the nature of judgement – such as this point of seeing an other through my mind as one thing, one definition, one assessment, one dimension, or as seeing myself through the same narrow focus. So yes this is an aspect of judgement that has opened up, where I realise that I have in fact been defining judgement in terms of judgement, where I have focused on and judged the content of that judgement, rather than seeing the limitation of the breadth of it, the narrowness that is the nature of it. For example: this judgement of myself that ‘I am not good enough’, where I have been satisfied with the authority of such a statement, defining ‘who I am’ in total as this one single thing and accepting by implication an active ignorance of the total breadth and scale of this existence, this history, this sequence of lives, this presence of this being in and throughout Existence as a whole.

So here I make an experiment in writing the word Humanity, and speaking it out loud in public lol. And I have seen how in writing it I have gone into a reaction separating myself from it – I have been participating in an act of observing me writing it and I realise that within this that I have opened up a point of my programming where I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself in speaking the word Humanity – I have put myself as less than equal to this word – with backchat such as ‘I am not qualified to speak about Humanity, or as Humanity’ – that only some people are allowed to talk about Humanity – that I need a mass of knowledge and information before I can write the word Humanity – such audacity to publish me in the act of writing the word Humanity – yes, this word Audacity comes up – so I will open this up too.

This is a strange situation in which in writing out the collective noun of who I am that I react and complain really about me writing the word Humanity. Within this there is a point of denial that we are substantially one and equal, a hidden  assertion that some humans are various different and special cases about whom I would require extensive special knowledge that then in turn would give to me validation and authority to speak about or as Humanity.

Making judgements of myself in writing out this word Humanity, up comes this other word, Audacity, like in how can I have such audacity to mention Humanity? Looking up this word audacious and audacity that comes from it, I am surprised – did not expect – to find that it carries no judgement of good or bad, it simply means ‘bold’ – and so I realise that in my memories of first encounters with this word that I heard it spoken or shouted rather with a charge of energy, such as ‘How dare you’ – challenge my authority – not respect oppression – such as the angry school teacher – so here I realise that I have defined this word audacity in my mind connected to this charge of energy, fear, fear of anger, judgements such as bad and ‘cheeky’, and in some way in the context of the class room – groundless – and that – I should have kept quiet – This ‘I should have kept quiet’ – plays a part in audacity – and in the backchat that comes up as I write the word Humanity.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I should keep quiet and not use the word Humanity

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I have no ground when I speak the word Humanity

A feeling of vulnerability comes up as I speak the word Humanity – vulnerability and exposure – in which exposure is like a reaction as fear of loss of protection and hiddenness that I am exposed as standing out in comparison to others as in having been ‘audacious’.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am protected by keeping quiet, and I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to within this belief conserve fear of what might happen if I speak.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to attach fear to hearing the sound of my voice.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react with fear when I speak out loud or write the word Humanity, and I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself as a ‘less than’ in speaking the word Humanity, or else as pretending to be more than I am in speaking the word Humanity. Within this I forgive myself that I have judged myself as ‘dishonest’ in speaking the word Humanity.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to experience myself as groundless and as having nowhere to stand as and when I speak the word Humanity, and within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I should have the ground of qualifications of knowledge and information to talk about Humanity, rather than the ground of who I am within and as myself, a human being. Within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define myself as separate from Humanity, observing it as a stranger in my mind.

As and when I sound the word Humanity, I commit myself to stop and breathe, and in my breath to breathe in the reality of who I am one and equal with Humanity. As and when I sound the word Humanity I commit myself to stop and breathe and to remember this specific change that I have made to who I am, I check to see there is no movement in this word, no resonance of fear contained within it, no resonance of energy to impulse into the world and into other beings, or into my inner being. I commit myself to clear this word Humanity, to learn to live this word Humanity in awareness and respect for who I am.



Creation’s Journey to Life : Day 527: Bubbles and The Theory of Everything – Part 1

Heaven’s Journey to Life:  The Physical-Motion and E(energy/mind) – Motion of Process: Day 475



Here are the instructions to the process of accessing our life-force, our beingness, our physical bodies and walking through the mind and consciousness.

EQAFE: ‘The Crucifixion of Jesus’, has been a great support to me because hear within these interviews, presented through the Portal, the actual teachings of Jesus, rather than the ones that were to be, after his death, tweaked and twisted into the four approved versions of his life as the Gospels. How the political message of Equality and the reality of Equality and Oneness were skewed into a religious mantra so as to suit the interests of the system.

The Quantum Mind

This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact and in specific detail.

The FREE DIP LITE Course available to All  – simply sign up and start- This is a powerful free introduction to real self-exploration, and self realisation using the Desteni tools, with online support. This really is an opportunity of a life time.