Day 287: Communication Errors 9: Correction

Misalignments within the attributes of Authority: Correction


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in my mind in thoughts of ‘self-change’ as a single big event, and that within that, that I have inferiorized myself towards it and in seeing it in a future scenario in my mind, that I have laid the groundwork for postponement. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from self-change. As and when that I see and realise that I am participating in a thought of change as a future event, and that within that, that I am participating in fear towards it, I stop and I breathe: I see and realise that in this thought and projection of myself as ‘changed’ I am looking at an image of myself that is changed without any path of change that I am walking, or have walked, that in seeing myself as ‘changed’ without my immediate connection to this change as in my direction of my path of self correction, that therefore how I see myself within this ‘change’ that is in my mind, is ‘changed’ without my self-direction, and I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to compare myself to some future image of me as changed, as if by some miraculous intervention. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed this miracle thinking to exist within me, like a positive experience connected to a ‘Great Leap Forward’ or a ‘Giant Step’, existing in a world that has no practicality, and is not real.


Reviewing how I shaped this life I find that my recourse to the personality that I evolved in retaliation to authority is like a key – it’s almost as if in theory if one asked, What kind of a life would you expect to emerge out of retaliation towards authority, and it’s attributes; of correction, discipline, principle, obedience, conformity – with the retaliation itself not as an open rebellion, but more as an avoidance – then out of this formulation would emerge – a life experience like this – where looking through it all – I see so much of it has been as an emotional possession. As such, the authority that I have lived has been like a ‘torch of freedom’; with that freedom being defined against my own best interests, a ‘freedom’ actually defined within the confines of subservience to the authority of this consciousness.



I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define ‘correction’ as an attribute of the authority that I have put into contempt, and that within this that I have given to the word ‘correction’ a charge of negative energy. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself as bad when I see myself in need of a correction. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in guilt when I see myself in need of a correction. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in a belief that who I am is wrong in the totality of myself when I see that I am in need of a correction. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to experience ‘correction’ personally, in which I have experienced correction as a put-down. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am less for not having the knowledge and information. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge those around me that seem to be abusing me in the process of their aggrandizement, using ‘correction’ as a means. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge the beings involved within these ‘monkey games’ and within that to have superiorized myself to those correcting me in this way. I forgive myself that I have not accepted or allowed myself to look upon and see the games that I myself am playing here, in which accepting and allowing myself to be ‘abused’ as I am seeing it through my mind, I remain in competition, that is in my secret terms, in which I win. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to within the consequences of this game, train and manipulate others around me into a perception of who I am as inferior. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I have found a solution to a situation in which I feel that I cannot meet the expectations of others such as in my ‘school’ environment, a means of lowering the expectation, so that I do not have to experience the conflict that arises in me towards meeting the expectations of others in skills and knowledge and information that I feel that I am unable fulfill. Within the realm of expectations I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give away my self acceptance into the hands of others in my world, and I forgive myself that I have not accepted or allowed myself to see that I have accepted and allowed this word ‘correction’ as a point in which I do not get this self acceptance that I have not accepted or allowed myself to give to me. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to overlook, brush aside, gloss over, the sabotage that I have accepted and allowed to exist within me as the contents of the word ‘correction’, and within that not to see how accepting and allowing this word to exist within me with such baggage, that it has functioned as a lock-in for my personality of retaliation to authority. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to as a personality founded on self-contempt to allow to exist ‘correction’ as a trigger of the experience of self-contempt, and as such, a point to be avoided.


I commit myself to walk the redefinition of ‘self-correction’ as in self-directed alignment with the principle of Life. I see realise and understand that in my inclusion of ‘correction’ as a negative experience that I have abdicated from my own ability to learn, to hear the words of common sense, that in reacting to being ‘wrong’ in some way that I have failed to recognize an opportunity to learn, where rather than having a sense of gratitude for the fact of being shown something that I have missed or not considered, that instead I have gone into and as a sense of resentment, and have taken the ‘correction’ personally.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to within my self-correction as my practical means of change, a reaction of self-judgement. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate from myself in the very act of self-support as in realignment. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to protect an idea in my mind of who I am as in contempt of ‘authority’.


continuing with the attributes next post… 




Here are the instructions to the process of accessing our life-force, our beingness, our physical bodies and walking through the mind and consciousness.

EQAFE: ‘The Crucifixion of Jesus’, has been a great support to me because hear within these interviews, presented through the Portal, the actual teachings of Jesus, rather than the ones that were to be, after his death, tweaked and twisted into the four approved versions of his life as the Gospels. How the political message of Equality and the reality of Equality and Oneness were skewed into a religious mantra so as to suit the interests of the system.

The Quantum Mind

This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact and in specific detail.

The FREE DIP LITE Course available to All – simply sign up and start- This is a powerful free introduction to real self-exploration, and self realisation using the Desteni tools, with online support. This really is an opportunity of a life time.


Human Rights and the Equal Life Foundation • • See: The Equal Life Foundation Bill of RightsLiving Income Guaranteed: The Proposal

Day 286: Communication Errors 8: The Word


Day 286: Communication Errors 8: The Word


The understanding of the ways of the physical world involve the applicability of our words. The application of who I am directly in the physical world requires that my words are clear, that I can actually live them. When words become loaded with charge, accumulating the memories and references to experience, and relationships to those memories, then the meaning of the words become distorted, and the more that they are charged, the less the reference to the physical, and the application of who I am directly in the physical world becomes obstructed. Clearing each of those obstructions are points of change. Change of the meaning of who I am within and as the words that I decide to actually live. Such is the Journey.


As I have shown myself in recent posts, the word ‘Authority’ as it has existed in my mind, has through my acceptance and allowance been crammed with relationships of blame and also hatred and contempt – really whole complexes of energy into which my power has been given away, in which my responsibility has been denied, instances of spite and of retaliation, instances in which I have accepted and allowed my disempowerment.


When first I heard of self-authority I thought in my mind, ah that would be a good idea, common sense, and for a moment I could imagine it as done: what I did not do was ask myself, Okay How am I to practically do this? What is it that I live in my current life as ‘authority’, and How am I to change my living in this word?


It’s interesting how I kind of glossed it over in my mind, sort of trying it on, this ‘self-authority’, as if there were no practical issues, such as when I looked upon myself in and as authority that I went into self-contempt, went into judgements as attacks upon myself, and then reacting to the judgements, blaming them. I can see now how a system of personality shaped and formed within retaliation and avoidance of authority, both within and without, might easily become accustomed and conditioned to skating over that, seeking for the positivity of being ‘free’ to do so, not seeing realizing and understanding that the ‘freedom’ had been defined within retaliation to authority, and within all of that seeing this ‘self-authority’ through tinted glasses, that is bathed in a positive light in the imagination, a positivity extended from this ‘freedom’.


It is supportive for me to summarize what I am doing here;

So more into the practical ‘How’ of this next time…




Here are the instructions to the process of accessing our life-force, our beingness, our physical bodies and walking through the mind and consciousness.

EQAFE: ‘The Crucifixion of Jesus’, has been a great support to me because hear within these interviews, presented through the Portal, the actual teachings of Jesus, rather than the ones that were to be, after his death, tweaked and twisted into the four approved versions of his life as the Gospels. How the political message of Equality and the reality of Equality and Oneness were skewed into a religious mantra so as to suit the interests of the system.

The Quantum Mind

This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact and in specific detail.

The FREE DIP LITE Course available to All – simply sign up and start- This is a powerful free introduction to real self-exploration, and self realisation using the Desteni tools, with online support. This really is an opportunity of a life time.


Human Rights and the Equal Life Foundation • • See: The Equal Life Foundation Bill of RightsLiving Income Guaranteed: The Proposal

Day 285: Communication Errors 7: Conflict


Day 285: Communication Errors 7: Conflict 


 Who you are to me, is something about me, in how I see you that I refuse to change, I have my position to consider, and who I am to you is something in my mind in how I think you see me that I refuse to change, I have my position to consider.

 What is this position that I cling to, that ensures a re-run of the conflict, that ensures that I will stay within this pattern, that committed to the pattern that I hold you to your word that I have misinterpreted in my mind as who you have to ever be? With this idea in my mind of my ‘position’ as my defense, I draw upon an idea of my strength, I do not want to look at that this strength has no foundation, I do not want to look at that this ‘position’ can only be defined in a sketch out of a world that I assert as being reality.

 What factors in my mind arise in me that I have held you to within this word I see you living? The records of the past, I have them at my disposal; often when I think of an idea of you in my mind, that I hold to be in fact you, I cross-check them, I seek out inconsistencies, and points of refutation, I elaborate the pattern, and seek out ways to trap you by the word I see you living, my greatest wish is that I do not see this word precisely, because I do not wish to see exactly how I live this word myself within me that causes me to see it in you and then to hold you to it.

 I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create a version of reality in my mind, and then confused this version with what is really here. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe in this person that I am as real that exists within this version of reality that I have created. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to populate this version of reality as representatives of aspects of myself that I have rejected from out of my awareness.

 I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe in ‘strength’ within absolute abiding judgements, and that within this that I have accepted and allowed myself to cling to a version of power within a sense of powerlessness and fear that I have accepted and allowed as my relationship to the conflicts that arise within me. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to within this version of reality that I have created and lived within my mind, to have accepted and allowed myself to live the principle of abiding judgement, as the structure of it, in which I do not change, and also not accept for change in others in my world.

 I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself within and as this version of reality that I have created in my mind that I have created a world of blame, that I have created as patterns of thought, systems of blame. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live a version of myself in this version of reality as living loyalty towards this system that I myself have created.





Here are the instructions to the process of accessing our life-force, our beingness, our physical bodies and walking through the mind and consciousness.

EQAFE: ‘The Crucifixion of Jesus’, has been a great support to me because hear within these interviews, presented through the Portal, the actual teachings of Jesus, rather than the ones that were to be, after his death, tweaked and twisted into the four approved versions of his life as the Gospels. How the political message of Equality and the reality of Equality and Oneness were skewed into a religious mantra so as to suit the interests of the system.

The Quantum Mind

This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact and in specific detail.

The FREE DIP LITE Course available to All – simply sign up and start- This is a powerful free introduction to real self-exploration, and self realisation using the Desteni tools, with online support. This really is an opportunity of a life time.


Human Rights and the Equal Life Foundation • • See: The Equal Life Foundation Bill of RightsLiving Income Guaranteed: The Proposal

Day 284: Communication Errors 6: The Redemption Hook


Day 284: Communication Errors 6: The Redemption Hook


Images of exoneration – as portrayed in films – still acting as hooks for my attention – that moment of recognition of innocence, of coming home, that moment of the drama when the house of cards, of illusions, of lies, collapses – that moment of connection between two beings – where there once had been severance and exclusion, ideas, beliefs and judgements, melt away.


Not only in the stories told by films, but also in reviews of history and documentary in which political agendas are exposed, the covers stripped away and the official story shown in its corruption.


Whether reading history or seeing a film I find within me going on the same or similar reaction, that hooks and captures my attention: it’s an issue in my mind, an aspect of my personal religion: in which I see a projection of my self acceptance as being in jeopardy, and then in which my self acceptance is being validated by authorities in my outside world. How I have projected this has been in various forms, and within these forms an experience of redemption, separated from myself as a witness in an experience of the truth being ‘outed’.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in an experience of myself within and as anxiety, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe in a thought in which I see my self acceptance being in jeopardy, I forgive myself that I have not accepted or allowed myself to include all of me in my self acceptance, and that instead I have accepted and allowed myself to put this self acceptance in the hands of others as authorities that have the power to validate my self acceptance for me.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed a desire for self acceptance as something that I can receive from outside sources, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I have in fact received it, and that in believing this I forgive myself that I have experienced this as redemption. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed redemption to exist within me as a positive experience of my self acceptance being bestowed upon me by those I have accepted and allowed as superior to me in my mind.


I forgive myself that in accepting and allowing this desire, that in not getting what I want, that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame those outside sources. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define within the word authority the capacity of either giving or withholding my self acceptance through which I have accepted and allowed myself to define into authority the experience of anxiety. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself in this to define into the word authority a relationship of who I am as blame towards a power that can be used to augment me or to undermine me. Within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to project into my world through authority the conditionality of my self acceptance which I have in fact created in relation to myself.



When and as I see this experience of redemption coming up in me, I stop and I breathe, I realise and understand what I have put at stake within this for this experience to exist within me, for this film hook to cause a recognition of myself distorted in me and a movement of release that is only transitory coming from an anxiety that is as a constant in this personality. I see realise and understand how it is that I have refused to redeem myself from the effects of my own judgements, and then have interpreted in my mind a positive experience of my own self sabotage.



What does it mean to ‘accept that which you define as good and bad about yourself’? Why is it important to accept both the good and the bad about yourself? I found some great support in listening to: Quantum Systemization 94: See Yourself With Clarity





Here are the instructions to the process of accessing our life-force, our beingness, our physical bodies and walking through the mind and consciousness.

EQAFE: ‘The Crucifixion of Jesus’, has been a great support to me because hear within these interviews, presented through the Portal, the actual teachings of Jesus, rather than the ones that were to be, after his death, tweaked and twisted into the four approved versions of his life as the Gospels. How the political message of Equality and the reality of Equality and Oneness were skewed into a religious mantra so as to suit the interests of the system.

The Quantum Mind

This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact and in specific detail.

The FREE DIP LITE Course available to All – simply sign up and start- This is a powerful free introduction to real self-exploration, and self realisation using the Desteni tools, with online support. This really is an opportunity of a life time.


Human Rights and the Equal Life Foundation • • See: The Equal Life Foundation Bill of RightsLiving Income Guaranteed: The Proposal

Day 283: Communication Errors 5: BANG! BANG! BANG!



Day 283: Communication Errors 5: BANG! BANG! BANG!


An incident – the bang bang bang of a fist – as if in my mind – of the law at the door – not like, knock knock, politely, Is there anybody there? – But in my mind, a command – like, Open the fucking door, come out, I know you’re in there! Ref. Imagination, world media library, query: ‘bang bang bang’.


I got caught up into a fear reaction when someone banged three times very loudly on my door, I started up and crossed the room, pulled the door open, there was a man with a black case of files and a tablet, saying about the electors register, and checking who I was. This seemed in my mind a stupid exercise, I was looking for a way to undermine him, because in my mind that authority trigger had been tripped; the banging on the door, that jolt of fear, and so I became quite bristly. When I closed the door, I gave it that extra ounce.


It’s interesting how this one comes up now; an example of that shift that I have been looking at in recent posts, where I see I am showing me now the question, Have I really walked through this?

I commit myself to live Respect, in living Effort in respect for my effort to see realise understand and change these things.


So yes, out from Life comes another example where too late I recognized the trigger, but seeing it in more detail now, recognizing more and more the aspects of this personality that compromise my and other’s current reality. It was when I closed the door that I thought, what was all that about? How come this wave of anger through me…and, Oh yes, oops ‘authority’. On the time-line, I had been startled by the sudden noise, and then I had interpreted: I added to the noise that it was angry, I added to the noise that it was inconsiderate, I went into blame on the source of the noise that I was being disrespected, I went into blame that I was being disturbed, I went into blaming the source of this noise for the experience that I saw it as ‘making me’ have. That was before I opened the door. Unfortunate for the man, because I assaulted him, probably with some scathing look, but fundamentally, with the judgement. He pressed a button on his tablet, turned around and walked off quickly.


In the centre of this reaction, an image of an ‘officer’ of the local system, taking the office personally, becoming angry with people who had not yet returned their forms. Officers of the court, of the law, officers of the army, this point in me where it is like a trigger, seeing the manipulations of authority, with as it were, the strings attached into and through the minions, with the minions becoming personally involved, striking at the closed doors with fists of anger. And looking here at how a corporate system with its hierarchy of officers as positions, that is positions – with replaceable physical human content – is operating its controls through anger, where the operative has volunteered the personality reaction to enforce authority.


Looking into this one, various memories come up, an image of soldiers in the army, carrying out their orders, but doing so in hatred: The police-man banging on my car window in the middle of the night, in the middle of an empty landscape because of a bi-law about parking: Many instances. It is in this that contains the formula of my contempt, where I have in a way looked into the eyes, of a potential meeting, but have instead seen a void, and become aware of a massive injustice, and not seen realized or understood the significance of what I’ve seen, but have instead taken it personally as an injustice in relation to my self-interest, in relation to Me. And then have gone into blame and into contempt of this perceived subservience, targeting both authority and its operatives.


Contempt for those manipulated by authority in which the authority is judged, as well as acceptance of it, and the simulation of it, and the mimicry of it, in which I see through the tube-vision hatred of the personality, a perceived reality that consists within the prevailing conditions of resonance of authority as the negativity through the very definition of myself as in retaliation to authority. Designing a self in retaliation is like designing a self as a negative exact copy, the illusion being that I am free, being everything ‘not this’. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed this definition of freedom to exist within me and as me.


I commit myself to walk through this, to open up and live these parts of me that I have pushed away, put a veto in my mind, not to go there, to not be allowed to think a certain thing, to not look square on at this subservience within me, this who I am as not-free in all ways, that is enslaved, that I have so harshly judged and banned, from this, as it were, my kingdom of contempt.


I commit myself to face the consequence within me of that massive injustice to self that I have become aware of in projections, within which I stand as obviously responsible: Kingdom, because the ripples and the consequences of my actions throughout the years have spread far and wide; the resonance of this contempt projected onto everything, and manifesting through the actions and behaviours into physical reality, into events in physical history, within this I commit myself to face the responsibility that I have in the very fabric of the world in which I live, and have lived, and to change according to the principle of Life the resonance that comes from me.


More on this…








Here are the instructions to the process of accessing our life-force, our beingness, our physical bodies and walking through the mind and consciousness.

EQAFE: ‘The Crucifixion of Jesus’, has been a great support to me because hear within these interviews, presented through the Portal, the actual teachings of Jesus, rather than the ones that were to be, after his death, tweaked and twisted into the four approved versions of his life as the Gospels. How the political message of Equality and the reality of Equality and Oneness were skewed into a religious mantra so as to suit the interests of the system.

The Quantum Mind

This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact and in specific detail.

The FREE DIP LITE Course available to All – simply sign up and start- This is a powerful free introduction to real self-exploration, and self realisation using the Desteni tools, with online support. This really is an opportunity of a life time.


Human Rights and the Equal Life Foundation • • See: The Equal Life Foundation Bill of RightsLiving Income Guaranteed: The Proposal

Day 282: Communication Errors 4: “I Don’t Care”


I forgive myself that I have not accepted or allowed myself to look into and change the dimensions of the words as I have accepted and allowed for them to exist within me.

Day 282: Communication Errors 4: “I Don’t Care”

“Words have got multiple dimensions existent within them and as them – they are literally access into worlds – if you will – worlds or realities – that we have created within the mind. And here to also understand or to give another perspective of what we mean by the process of living words: at the moment when we open up words and walk into words in relation to what is existent within and behind them as our current relationship to them – they open up realities within your Mind Consciousness System and then how from the reality of the word in the Mind Consciousness System, it siphons into your physical body and so into your physical reality. So you are essentially inadvertently living words, but instead of it being a direct self plus word relationship that equals your living, it is now mind plus word equals more like a consequential outflow into your living through your physical and how it creates your world and your reality…” Enlil, Reptilians 266: Redefining Care.


Such a statement of the significance of words in the experience of ourselves in this one life is enough to tip and tilt and shake the ground of what each of us have accepted and allowed as who we are. Communication as how it has been lived in this inadvertency has lost its reach. Now has come the opportunity for us to redefine our words so as to include ourselves directly, so as to take responsibility for and change these consequential outflows that so affect the world, our relationships to ourselves and to each other, and to the whole of Life.


Here I am continuing from previous and recent posts, in which I have opened up and followed strands of enquiry into moments of my life when I have accepted and allowed and conditioned my relationship to a triangle of ‘authority’ and ‘father’ and ‘system’, in which I became as a personality founded on retaliation to the world, created a backdoor in my mind as a constant excuse so as to protect myself from actual self realization, made as like a shell of positive energy in which to live as an experience of winning, winning in a game against my mind.


So a word that figures in the beginnings of the shift, the break-off-from-discussion word as it were, ‘the last word’ as who I am as the final ‘authority’ in hostility towards the mind, is the statement, automated through habitual repetition into a line of backchat, is “I don’t care.” This, extended into a hardening of the blame morphs into the “Fuck You” in which the “not caring” gesture has evolved, becomes more weaponized.


What is it that exists within and as this vessel of ‘not caring’? First of all, in ‘not’ I see an affirmation of who-I-am- as retaliation, as a glorious power rising up in judgement of the world, and the mind, and then connecting this to ‘care’, first of all in care, I see ‘carry’. Like simply, the backchat acting like a ticket into a world divorced from self-responsibility, in which I have accepted and allowed responsibility to be as a ‘burden’ laid on me by others, that I refuse to carry, where in this ‘power’ of refusal I have found an expression of myself within this storm, an expression that I cling to, that defines me out of the experience of powerlessness that I have accepted and allowed as my relationship towards the conflicts in my mind.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have exist within me a definition of ‘care’ that is only applicable to me in my self interest; I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to look into a world in separation from myself and not seen realized and understood how and why and in what way the idea in my mind of ‘caring’ has seemed somehow inapplicable or out of reach for me. I forgive myself that I have not accepted or allowed myself to see realize and understand that the settings of this tool have in fact been set by me. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe in my own simulations of ‘caring’ for the world, when within this I have not actually and in fact lived this word for real, but only used it as a negative component of who-I-am-as a personality within my mind founded on a platform of hostility towards myself.


Therefore I commit myself to change the definition of this caring that I have accepted and allowed; to change this image of in caring, ‘carrying’ the ‘burden’ ‘imposed’ on me in my projection – into a ‘carrying’ as me supporting who I am in the face of conflict that comes up in me, so as and when the backchat comes of ‘I don’t care’, I stop, and I breathe, I realise that I have become conditioned to this cut-off point from the energies that are coming up in me, and have been using as an excuse to go into as the entertainments of the mind, and within this realization I see realise and understand that this ‘cut-off’ point is actually and in fact a point of opportunity, a point in which I have the choice and the decision to rather than to tolerate suppression as a mode of my existence, to instead stop and breathe and stabilize myself and then look into how I might support myself that is integrated in the conflict that arises in me.





Here are the instructions to the process of accessing our life-force, our beingness, our physical bodies and walking through the mind and consciousness.

EQAFE: ‘The Crucifixion of Jesus’, has been a great support to me because hear within these interviews, presented through the Portal, the actual teachings of Jesus, rather than the ones that were to be, after his death, tweaked and twisted into the four approved versions of his life as the Gospels. How the political message of Equality and the reality of Equality and Oneness were skewed into a religious mantra so as to suit the interests of the system.

The Quantum Mind

This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact and in specific detail.

The FREE DIP LITE Course available to All – simply sign up and start- This is a powerful free introduction to real self-exploration, and self realisation using the Desteni tools, with online support. This really is an opportunity of a life time.


Human Rights and the Equal Life Foundation • • See: The Equal Life Foundation Bill of RightsLiving Income Guaranteed: The Proposal

Day 281: Communication Errors 3. How I killed my father

Day 281: Communication Errors 3. How I killed my father


Feed a mass of energy into an already overloaded group of systems, for long enough, and suddenly there is a cathartic moment; the systems combine and integrate and form into one. The purpose of an energy system being to create more energy, then it follows that there will be an energy economy, a tendency to streamlining, just as in our entertainment systems moving through an ongoing improvement of technology from clunky bygone stories into ever refining slickness, where the audience has learned the languages of transition, there is no need to spell it out each time; instead all of that can be indicated with a single reference.


One of the discoveries of what consciousness itself could do with overloaded systems was in this upgrade of ‘contempt’. All very neat and intricate, why not just combine the conflicts into one short sharp shock and hide the source, protect it with distracting thoughts of blame? And then in time, combine the articles of blame; in that way then the personality of righteousness could be more integrated and smooth-running. While all of these developments can be seen as energy exigencies, there exists within them, who-I-am-as accepting and allowing myself to move according to and with the moves of energy, to stay suspended in the comfort zones, to keep it at a distance that point of conflict. And so with the word ‘contempt’, I coloured it with judgement, as something worse than bad, something that I portrayed myself as far away from, and above, all of this in protection of the integrity of an idea of myself, an idea that within myself I believed would be adequate to get me ‘through’.


Contempt: the signature – as that overwhelming sense of, ‘That person better stay out of my life, sphere of influence, my view, my eyesight, my life – our relationship is Done’. An act of killing. That means that from henceforth communications are Cut. Here, as authority, as ‘control’ defined within that I have made a desperate act I have accepted and allowed a self destruction as solution to not any more be overwhelmed by the thoughts and backchats and memories experience, hatred, anger, dislikes, all the reminders that come up in me of who I am towards this storm of conflict in my mind, as in fear, overwhelmed, without stability, unable to function.


Here the vision is of a world reality in which it had been accepted and allowed that who-I-am is defined by others, by multiples of others, as points of authority, by teeming points within multiple dimensions and layers of paradoxical scenarios, and finding the world to be so, it became a source of fear.


An example of a Catch-22 was quoted to me unknowingly by someone in my life, they did not realise that the words could have been delivered in the exact same form and tonality as by my father, and I reacted to it by going into silence and judgement. The shouted words were: “If you carry on speaking like this, then you are going to make me very angry.” As ‘having the last word’ was a point of authority, then it seemed to me that any further utterance would be deemed a confrontation, and within that thought, a fear that I would most certainly lose, and get into the experience of diminishment in being ‘shouted down’. And so with my friend with whom I was having a discussion in one minute and seeing him walk out the door in the next, I went into, okay let him cool off… and then later on meet up again. But meanwhile within my mind… another story… in which for days afterward his face kept popping up, and a recording of his anger, as if there was an argument ongoing within me, little resolutions in my mind, of me winning, having the smart response, the last word, bending and twisting the scenario in my mind in any which-way so as get myself into a positive or at least comfortable experience. What I did not realise in looking at this was in how my friend had unwittingly qualified himself by echoing these words, to be an object of contempt.


By ‘Catch-22’, what I mean is a paradoxical situation from which an individual cannot escape because of contradictory rules: like for example, to apply for this job, you would have to be insane; but if you are insane, you are unacceptable for the job. The Catch-22 within “If you carry on speaking like this, then you are going to make me very angry” is in this fear-control – being defined by the authority of my father as having the power within speaking up for me, to make him feel bad things and to become angry – while at the same time in myself that I am angry with myself for not speaking up, and in fear of what might happen if I do, and in fear of how I felt inside myself in relation to me when my father’s expression of anger was not in outright rage but in dismissal, walking out, and loss of interest. These were some of the dynamics of my early years; I was in a constant emotional turmoil. Eventually in my early teens, I shut the door on him, I could not bear his presence, or the nature of my presence in myself, when he was near me. I put him in contempt. From time to time it seemed that he was trying to invade me as I sat tightly coiled in brooding, and he would ask me what I was thinking, and I would say, “Nothing.” My power was that I had simplified my conflict by killing him from my existence.



More on this…

(ref: Atlanteans see Contempt Imprisoning You) 






Here are the instructions to the process of accessing our life-force, our beingness, our physical bodies and walking through the mind and consciousness.

EQAFE: ‘The Crucifixion of Jesus’, has been a great support to me because hear within these interviews, presented through the Portal, the actual teachings of Jesus, rather than the ones that were to be, after his death, tweaked and twisted into the four approved versions of his life as the Gospels. How the political message of Equality and the reality of Equality and Oneness were skewed into a religious mantra so as to suit the interests of the system.

The Quantum Mind

This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact and in specific detail.

The FREE DIP LITE Course available to All – simply sign up and start- This is a powerful free introduction to real self-exploration, and self realisation using the Desteni tools, with online support. This really is an opportunity of a life time.


Human Rights and the Equal Life Foundation • • See: The Equal Life Foundation Bill of RightsLiving Income Guaranteed: The Proposal

Day 280: Communication Errors 2



Day 280: Communication Errors 2


In this investigation/journey: I share some understandings and interpretations of programmes as they were placed/initiated/evolved in the early time-lines – in this, continuing from previous post, examination of the trigger, and the shift. And here, to see more specifically what I have done within this shift.


What would it be like – a Fuckyou World – how would one get a glimpse through the scanning apparatus of this Fuckyou personality design? So here, with the purpose of doing just that – to look into the specifications of the word ‘authority’, where who-I-am-as Fuckyou has been defined in opposition, hostility and retaliation to/against authority, and seeing this word ‘authority’ to be a composite of drawn examples from the world, examples such as words absorbed into my mind in the context of hearing the authority, words such as ‘principle’, ‘discipline’, ‘correction’, ‘control’, ‘conformity’, ‘obedience’, my relationships that I made to such words informed and ‘coloured’ and conditioned the word ‘authority’ in my mind.


I see here how In the process of  putting father/authority/system in contempt, that I separated myself from living ‘principle’, ‘discipline’, ‘control’, ‘correction’, ‘conformity’, ‘obedience’ – and that since the living of these words are vital components of self direction and self movement, self change – here is an example of the secret reality of who-I-am-as Fuckyou, as Fuckme, where in my life I accepted and allowed self sabotage with devastating effect.


The massive significance of the Contempt Design to me (ref: Atlanteans being in understanding the closing off from me in an act of damnation, my very means of learning, and at the same time, the possibility of living self-authority.


So here first of all, through the eyes of who-I-am-as Fuckyou, is a world in which self-authority is kind of elusive and impossible, a perception that within the practicalities of ‘how to be with, as, Life’ there exists a sort of dark irony. Yes, dark, in the sense that this secret would have to be kind of smuggled endlessly on my journey. Dark in the sense that within the investigation I assist and support, and yet omit the information from me that I am in fact the murderer as well; in the terror moments of my adolescent dreams, I would remember in a lightning flash, a body that I hid away. But reacting to such dreams, the simplicity of what was shown to me within the dream was overlooked. The simplicity of this act of killing, like a final act of self damnation, in which my self acceptance could never onwards be whole. Here through the eyes of Fuckyou, a world reality, in which one would just have to make it through, given the disaster.


More on this…




Here are the instructions to the process of accessing our life-force, our beingness, our physical bodies and walking through the mind and consciousness.

EQAFE: ‘The Crucifixion of Jesus’, has been a great support to me because hear within these interviews, presented through the Portal, the actual teachings of Jesus, rather than the ones that were to be, after his death, tweaked and twisted into the four approved versions of his life as the Gospels. How the political message of Equality and the reality of Equality and Oneness were skewed into a religious mantra so as to suit the interests of the system.

The Quantum Mind

This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact and in specific detail.

The FREE DIP LITE Course available to All – simply sign up and start- This is a powerful free introduction to real self-exploration, and self realisation using the Desteni tools, with online support. This really is an opportunity of a life time.


Human Rights and the Equal Life Foundation • • See: The Equal Life Foundation Bill of RightsLiving Income Guaranteed: The Proposal

Day 279: Communication Errors

evidence board 02


Day 279: Communication Errors

Listening to words and going into/as reactions of fear: not unconscious, the moment simply passes in a flash, it is a functional re-minder, though the contents of that brief moment can be vast, can indicate a vastness of experience of self that is in reverse of Life, as Evil. Here is who I am self disempowered within the evolution of energetic system as a self-streamlining process kind of dipping into the negative resource to carry/shift me the being of ‘Who – I – am – to – this ‘ (word) into the positivity experience of programmed comfort zone, and the reality perception of a personality. The words have been taken personally, how else could a personality receive them. And in this way, interpretation, of words being ‘taken’, the world itself has shifted into a structure/system of defensive ‘strength’ experience and righteousness experience, within my mind, commanded by this Ego-Me.


I have to-stop-and-breathe (word), slow down, and look into the contents of this shift, this period in which the common sense of words being spoken to me, blur. This period in which the reality of the being before me is replaced by an image, as the subject of my attention in my mind, an idea of who they are, with a face as a group of energies. This thought: ‘the vastness of experience of self that is in reverse of Life as Evil’ – it’s an expression in absolute terms to encapsulate the specificities of repeated timelines, histories of reaction. It is into those layers of specificities that I have to look into and realign the ‘Who-I-am-to-this’ that I have endorsed and re-endorsed throughout my life, into the fabric of my normality.


The trigger of the shift was in interpreting a person’s words as ‘irritation’ towards ‘me’, ‘impatience’ towards ‘me’, judging ‘me’ and ‘therefore’ in my mind, hostile. The trigger was in information coming from the ‘authority’ detectors, sensitivity, that ‘me’ as ‘fuckyou’ (energy design of Life reversal) had installed. How do ‘authority’ detectors work? Here is like a search engine that matches up the qualities, the attributes of the word ‘authority’ as I have defined it into me in my mind, finding them as ‘evidential’ in the physical reality, such as the sound, a tone of voice, a word, a phrase. Defined it into me: maybe as a part of the global operating system, the father authority construct, and which, when the vocabulary was there for me, I shifted definitions of the word ‘father’ in my mind into and as a part of ‘authority’. In the process of the shift there would be a crosscheck with other ‘primary’ sources, like the ‘tone of voice’, and the ‘irritation’, the ‘impatience’, that gesture. Without consideration of what I’d done, I’d loaded up the word ‘authority’ within my mind with all the emotional experience I had accepted and allowed towards my father. Hence within the trigger of detected authority evidence in the world, a news-flash reminder of a depth of conflict suppressed within my mind, that reaction of fear, listening to the words, and not hearing.


More on this…





Here are the instructions to the process of accessing our life-force, our beingness, our physical bodies and walking through the mind and consciousness.

EQAFE: ‘The Crucifixion of Jesus’, has been a great support to me because hear within these interviews, presented through the Portal, the actual teachings of Jesus, rather than the ones that were to be, after his death, tweaked and twisted into the four approved versions of his life as the Gospels. How the political message of Equality and the reality of Equality and Oneness were skewed into a religious mantra so as to suit the interests of the system.

The Quantum Mind

This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact and in specific detail.

The FREE DIP LITE Course available to All – simply sign up and start- This is a powerful free introduction to real self-exploration, and self realisation using the Desteni tools, with online support. This really is an opportunity of a life time.


Human Rights and the Equal Life Foundation • • See: The Equal Life Foundation Bill of RightsLiving Income Guaranteed: The Proposal

Day 278: Con


evidence board 01


As gradually we wake ourselves and each other up and are exposed to our reality, we have seen how in so many ways there has been a con in so many systems and cultural perspectives where we have found that they are not what they seem, that there have been ulterior motives, and distortions, and there is a sense of being tricked and of being fooled, and so, not wanting to be fooled again, we remind ourselves and each other, we emphasize and point out this ‘con’ as prefixed on our words, and our attention goes to this. Look, it’s the con-fidence trick, the with-faith trick! And blaming this, there exists a judgement, and so, a separation and so, a disempowerment, such as a statement of yes, we have been the victims.


And then I have looked at words that begin with con, suspiciously, as if they might contain some ulterior motive or some subliminal message hidden in plain sight. But in that process what has happened to the integrity of the word? Con-, as a word forming element, in its meaning, simply as: together, with. Here, in this simplicity as With exists a release, for me there is a breath in it, I have released the energy that I accumulated in this perception of the world.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel in my mind strengthened and empowered as an accumulation of energy as a positive experience that I have accepted and allowed myself to attach into the word con. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed this word to exist within me as a point of blame, as a trigger into separation from myself. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to harbor in my mind within the word con an image of the system as a trophy of blame. I forgive myself that I have not accepted or allowed myself to see how disempowered I accept myself to be within this blame.


The spiteful thought of wishing the Elite their comeuppance – is actually a thought on which the system thrives – the media defines the blame, will channel it, will run a story out before our eyes in which we focus on a group, or a culprit, get a feel-good in the blame, that self righteousness, and whether it is the ‘Elite’ or it is ‘the migrants’ or an alien invader, or ‘the perpetrator’ in a crime show, focusing the blame onto a single point – works very well for protection of the system as a whole – existing in the foreground and in the background and everywhere simultaneously – invisible, unheeded, not focused on, not questioned, the story can then be cut and dried, blame directed, the matrix of the black and white fundamentals – normal stuff, where the problem gets solved by killing someone, or making sure that something nasty happens to them – it’s fascinating that what comes out of the military wing of mass media, the story that contains the pitch, the official line, the sale of how it’s all ok, and right, the killing, that then millions of audience experience and participate in backchat that happens to resonate with lines of foreign policy.


Same as systems that exist within; the stories that come as memories, in which the blame is pre-defined, and ready-focused, the energy interpretized. I feel a subtle movement in my chest and there is a choice, to let or not to let the energy become manifested, unfurling in my mind as a memory or story as some form of thought, while my imagination goes to work on it, bringing shape and outline and content. Here is the maneuver to which I have been so addicted, into the interpretation as who I am, believing in my thought creations, blind to that fact that I have chosen to exist within a world of energy. Mostly blind, because there are occasions when I am aware of the quietness of the physical, and I realise that I have pulled my head from out of some dramatic story line.





Here are the instructions to the process of accessing our life-force, our beingness, our physical bodies and walking through the mind and consciousness.

EQAFE: ‘The Crucifixion of Jesus’, has been a great support to me because hear within these interviews, presented through the Portal, the actual teachings of Jesus, rather than the ones that were to be, after his death, tweaked and twisted into the four approved versions of his life as the Gospels. How the political message of Equality and the reality of Equality and Oneness were skewed into a religious mantra so as to suit the interests of the system.

The Quantum Mind

This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact and in specific detail.

The FREE DIP LITE Course available to All – simply sign up and start- This is a powerful free introduction to real self-exploration, and self realisation using the Desteni tools, with online support. This really is an opportunity of a life time.


Human Rights and the Equal Life Foundation • • See: The Equal Life Foundation Bill of RightsLiving Income Guaranteed: The Proposal