Day 269: “The image and likeness of God”



 Made: “In the image and likeness of God”. I come round to look at this statement again, last time I looked it was more a focus on my reaction to it, like yeah, right, the Con, seeing and realising how I’d fooled myself by projecting out into the cosmos a denial of my own responsibility, how I had fallen for the virtues of belief and faith, and how I’d judged myself within that for being a fool, and how I’d trapped myself within accepting and allowing such a thought to exist within me, and following up within this all connections to my fears of being fooled, all my experiences of being wrong, of being belittled by a con, and so blame and judgement of a world busy in the maintenance of such illusion.


And yet within and as all of this reaction, there was something that I had missed or overlooked within this phrase: that in letting it to exist as something real within my mind there were aspects of my own creation that remained as who I am within the image and likeness of this ‘God’, according to the characteristics of this God that I had gathered, was discernible to me through my observations – such as, in this world, he is not here, such as everywhere I look there is no evidence that he cares, and therefore in my mind, giving him the benefit of the doubt, he cares, he has good intentions, but he does not bring his care into the physical world.


In my childish mind I imagined ‘standing on the right hand side of God’, which in my mind meant looking out across the world with the exact same perspective, with the exact same replica of his structure. Within this construct I found comfort, I created comfort as a platform of good intentions, as a virtue in not being here, as a version of care within my mind that need not be extended into action. And gradually within my mind I formed a separated inner world of positive experience.


And even though in my emotional reaction, I had chucked the husk of this phrase ‘out’, what still remained within and as me was the consequence of how I’d accepted and allowed myself to be.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see realise and understand that the content of this word ‘God’ was of my own assumption and making and my creation. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react to this word as to something that exists ‘out there’ one and equal to the content I have filled it with within my mind.


I forgive myself that I have not accepted or allowed myself to take responsibility for what I resonate within the sound of ‘God’.


When and as the word ‘God’, and the phrase “the image and likeness of God” comes up before me into my awareness, I stop and I Breathe, I remind myself that I am here in the actuality of the physical, that my good intentions belong in a world of imaginary futures and constructs of hopefulness, and waiting, therefore I commit myself to the action that is in this actuality, to a form of care that is expressed in physical action, and I commit myself to utilize this phrase “the image and likeness of God” to remind me of the fact of my responsibility within and as creation.






Here are the instructions to the process of accessing our life-force, our beingness, our physical bodies and walking through the mind and consciousness.

EQAFE: ‘The Crucifixion of Jesus’, has been a great support to me because hear within these interviews, presented through the Portal, the actual teachings of Jesus, rather than the ones that were to be, after his death, tweaked and twisted into the four approved versions of his life as the Gospels. How the political message of Equality and the reality of Equality and Oneness were skewed into a religious mantra so as to suit the interests of the system.

The Quantum Mind

This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact and in specific detail.

The FREE DIP LITE Course available to All – simply sign up and start- This is a powerful free introduction to real self-exploration, and self realisation using the Desteni tools, with online support. This really is an opportunity of a life time.


Human Rights and the Equal Life Foundation • • See: The Equal Life Foundation Bill of RightsLiving Income Guaranteed: The Proposal

Day 268: “There is something more to this.”



Day 268: “There is something more to this.” 


Putting facts together, laying them out beside each other, in proximity to each other, I realise that within me there is a movement of energy, I recognize and remember this: it is the doubt, which in the past I have used as a trigger for permission of an avalanche of judgements. I have used this experience of doubt as a gate-keeper, as a direct early warning, as a sample from the leading edge of an imminent energy accumulation, as a bad experience forecast, and accepting and allowing it us such, I have altered course, not gone there, not done that, but instead, done what I could in a reaction of fear as avoidance of  the experience of my own self judgements.

And what I see and realise is this: that I have been abusing ‘doubt’ as a point of closing self awareness, and of self rejection, and that instead of this, that I can use this word doubt as a point of self assistance and support. Because within the doubt there is an insight that I have accepted and allowed myself to become hardly aware of: the insight is that in fact “there is more to this”, and, “there is something that I have not considered.” Thus, as I lay out the facts, and enable the process of “doing the math” I can utilize this doubt as a point of support, that I need to look at my research. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to attach a negative value/experience of energy to the point of “There is something more to this.”

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in an experience of myself as less than a point that I realise within myself that I am not seeing it in it’s entirety. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself that I have not accepted or allowed myself to be here within and as this this point that “there is something more to this”, but instead have gone into a whole diversion as an experience of myself within my mind as a judgement of my own awareness.







Here are the instructions to the process of accessing our life-force, our beingness, our physical bodies and walking through the mind and consciousness.

EQAFE: ‘The Crucifixion of Jesus’, has been a great support to me because hear within these interviews, presented through the Portal, the actual teachings of Jesus, rather than the ones that were to be, after his death, tweaked and twisted into the four approved versions of his life as the Gospels. How the political message of Equality and the reality of Equality and Oneness were skewed into a religious mantra so as to suit the interests of the system.

The Quantum Mind

This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact and in specific detail.

The FREE DIP LITE Course available to All – simply sign up and start- This is a powerful free introduction to real self-exploration, and self realisation using the Desteni tools, with online support. This really is an opportunity of a life time.


Human Rights and the Equal Life Foundation • • See: The Equal Life Foundation Bill of RightsLiving Income Guaranteed: The Proposal

Day 267: Self-Authority




Day 267:  Self-Authority


The absence of Self-Authority is a distinguishing feature of the enslavement zeitgeist – I mean by zeitgeist here as the accepted general thought feeling characteristic of this period of time – in which in a sense it is impossible, to see beyond the zeitgeist, according to how much you live within it and as it – and so considering that, the very existence of the zeitgeist word/concept/thought is pretty cool, and welcome/necessary/essential, even if only as a starting step of self support into the thought/question of there being “something more to this” in our natural exploration/expansion of our Self in this world reality. Ok so utilizing ‘zeitgeist’ here to define a context of this relationship of enslavement to authority in which the notion of bringing it all back home, here, within and as myself does not exist; in which Self Authority and Self Enslavement have become precluded from my understanding of the world.


The very fact of my having awarded ‘authority’ into something, someone, is in itself an expression of the Self Authority of this decision that I have made, though where I have made it absolute – which is another decision – I have within that absolute given away this authority that is who I am, the very awareness of my Self Responsibility. In this process then I am showing myself that I am responsible for having disempowered myself.


So – Where is there a source to all of this within myself? A primary relationship in my life has been the ‘figure’ of my father. I say ‘figure’ because I did not see or realize that he was in fact another human being, who was in fact another me in the structure of another Life, an example of a living breathing Self reality – no, instead he was in my mind, an image, a figure of Authority, and hence, in my mind a figure of, or a trophy of, blame. In fact, he was acting out as best he could the definition of what a ‘father’ was according to the dictates of his own experience, which was set amongst the dictates of the times. He did not question ‘authority’ as his relationship to me – to him the ‘authority’ of the father was as a birth-right, or it just followed automatically for him, from the fact of being the ‘father’. Added to this was the belief of the equation of older being equal to wiser as a justification of authority, and then if I did not fall into line with that, which meant obeying him, he was also bigger, stronger, and louder, and in the habit of using fear as a method of control. By the time the word ‘authority’ came into my life, I attached it to this experience that I had lived within my mind, as an extension to ‘father’. Accepting and allowing myself to go into fear and shame as a reaction to a frustrated adult, saying, “What would your father say?” I had internalized the whole structure of my relationship with my father as an experience in my mind in place of him became like the ‘policeman in my head’, or a personalized image/voice of conscience. Entwined with all of this was how I felt within myself to have let myself be consistently defined according to what I ‘should be’ according to the mind of this primary grown-up in my life that was my father, and was also that confident authority. The more and more I attempted to become as his definitions of me, and failed to live them, the more my sense of self worth dwindled, and awareness of my self, because within myself I had taken up his attitude to me, that who I really was inside was of little interest. As a father/authority/figure/alpha male, he had won, and in his presence I became subdued, and I avoided contact with him.


Okay so these are some of the underlying factors of how I have defined ‘authority’ in my life. Looking at this Mind Construct it is obvious to me that how I have defined and lived and experienced ‘Authority’ is, as a tool with which to face the ‘Authorities’ that exist in the real world, and remain stable within my self, and clear in my communication – completely useless. Within accepting and allowing ‘authority’ to remain existing in me according to such definitions/conflicts processes/accumulations I have disempowered myself – I mean how could I possibly step up to the plate as Self Authority while at the same time keep this baggage?


Self Authority is not something that can just be put on as a suit as an emulation of something desirable, or within that suit, a posture; Self Authority comes out of proving to myself over and over again how within my mind in every decision that I have made I am responsible, and in that responsibility that therefore I can reassess what I have done, and change that decision that I made. Seeing realising and understanding this means that I do not have to be the victim of my own accepted and allowed self definitions, and remain within and as my mind, enslaved.






Here are the instructions to the process of accessing our life-force, our beingness, our physical bodies and walking through the mind and consciousness.

EQAFE: ‘The Crucifixion of Jesus’, has been a great support to me because hear within these interviews, presented through the Portal, the actual teachings of Jesus, rather than the ones that were to be, after his death, tweaked and twisted into the four approved versions of his life as the Gospels. How the political message of Equality and the reality of Equality and Oneness were skewed into a religious mantra so as to suit the interests of the system.

The Quantum Mind

This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact and in specific detail.

The FREE DIP LITE Course available to All – simply sign up and start- This is a powerful free introduction to real self-exploration, and self realisation using the Desteni tools, with online support. This really is an opportunity of a life time.


Human Rights and the Equal Life Foundation • • See: The Equal Life Foundation Bill of RightsLiving Income Guaranteed: The Proposal

Day 266: ‘Mind-Control’



“Hang on, it’s not at all whatever I was thinking in my mind, it’s what is actually really here”. For a moment, the mind had stopped it’s processing routines, there were these physical beings coming and going all around me, and I was looking through the eyes of one of them, that was also me. Through the swinging doors of a department store, the busyness of transaction, people selecting goods and visiting the cash desks, and carrying bags. There was something about these swinging doors, a question came up: Am I just to watch us come into the world and go out of it, keeping quiet about what I see is really in fact going on, and, is that what I would have wanted for me, and, is that not in fact what I am giving to me by keeping quiet within myself amongst the image thought and feeling traffic come and go within my mind, and not writing it out, not fishing out these words into the physical, to simply open up and look at and review and change.


Mind-Control, as in being controlled with the mind, where who I have accepted and allowed myself to be as a decision of consent to being an energy experience within the very definitions of the words of my vocabulary, where in each case actually the ‘meaning’ had no ‘me’, it was without my presence in the word as my responsibility, there was no direct immediate ‘meaning’, there was instead that which was ‘meant’ for me. There was instead a lexicon of bartered goods between the characters I had accepted and allowed in place of me within my mind.


I Forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react to the sentence: “Be responsible within your words.” where I have accepted and allowed myself to go into and be as fear, where I have accepted and allowed a self attack through judgement. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself as bad and wrong and useless that in my consciousness I do not have the question, What is best for all, and that so often I am in my mind, and do not consider who I am within the words I speak. I forgive myself that within this directive of “How to be.” that I have connected the word responsibility to the word judgement.


I Forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to in reaction to the words, “Be responsible within your words.” Then through judgements submit myself to a series of accusations, all being as definitions of who I am, in my total being, and I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to then react to these with guilt and shame.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give my authority to and trust into these definitions in my mind of who I am in my total being.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed within this process of the systems of my reactions to these words: “Be responsible within your words.” that I have effectively postponed the opportunity of my own awareness. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself within and as these reactions to be within and as a world of energy, and not see me, not allow this me to exist within the meaning of responsibility.


I remind myself of Self Forgiveness and commitments I have made on my walk through ‘Worth’:


I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see realise and understand that who I am as wavering within the conditions of a judgement of my worth have sabotaged the depth of my commitment to me, my willingness to assist and support myself in standing in and as commitment.


When and as the word ‘worth’ arises in my mind as in the energy of a doubt, I stop, I breathe, I do not accept this ‘worth’ as a nexus of mind values, I am standing as who I am as worth within the value of Life being Life, I commit myself in this moment of this breath to assist and support myself without condition.


In realizing that the gift within the words: “Be responsible within your words.” is a reference to becoming in each word the presence of my awareness, so therefore I commit myself to redirecting for myself the Mind-Control that I have accepted and allowed to exist within me in my words, so that in living words I am learning to communicate reality.








Here are the instructions to the process of accessing our life-force, our beingness, our physical bodies and walking through the mind and consciousness.

EQAFE: ‘The Crucifixion of Jesus’, has been a great support to me because hear within these interviews, presented through the Portal, the actual teachings of Jesus, rather than the ones that were to be, after his death, tweaked and twisted into the four approved versions of his life as the Gospels. How the political message of Equality and the reality of Equality and Oneness were skewed into a religious mantra so as to suit the interests of the system.

The Quantum Mind

This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact and in specific detail.

The FREE DIP LITE Course available to All – simply sign up and start- This is a powerful free introduction to real self-exploration, and self realisation using the Desteni tools, with online support. This really is an opportunity of a life time.


Human Rights and the Equal Life Foundation • • See: The Equal Life Foundation Bill of RightsLiving Income Guaranteed: The Proposal

Day 265: Don’t Forget the Popcorn



Day 265: Don’t Forget the Popcorn, yes Real Physical Actual Popcorn. 



… a world reality that is draped in flags, a quiet street, a suburban homeland, a boy on a bike chucks newspapers, there is a white picket fence, figuratively the pale of decency. Herein lies the set-up of an action film, or a Horror film. Why so? Meet the family – they’re all so nice – what could possibly go wrong?


For ‘entertainment’ to come to represent an experience of mind, rather than existing more simply as a noun, grounded into physical objects, as something physical, taking place in time and space, what is required is a shift inducing element, a trigger or a hook. This will take this physical entertainment into its energetic equivalent. In this stereotypic ‘set up’ of a common ‘story’, what is first of all established is like a core of sentiment and strong feeling that is depicted as flourishing within the everyday normality of family life – this core will then become the resource of powerful reactions – there may be an intrinsic conflict, such as there exists a separation in the family, or there is a perceived threat to the home’s smooth-running, or an invasion of some kind, or an assault upon its integrity – which then accumulates into justifying extreme behaviors and violent actions (beyond the pale) in the name of that which has to be protected at all and any cost… here, the essential value of the exclusive family construct acts like the fulcrum of the ‘story’. Throughout the narrative we are reminded of the relationship lines that are anchored into the family core, these are the lines available for the attachment of the emotional hooks, which will then support the shift into the energetic form of ‘entertainment’.


So, in ‘Horror film’, first to check out the words. Here is a term in which the energetic experience of ‘horror’ comes already attached to ‘film’, the film in this ‘genre’ is defined within and by emotional and feeling reaction. Where ‘film’ as a thing in itself is a reference to what it consists of as a layer of chemicals as images embedded into the surface of a transparent strip of celluloid, so as to be dragged through spools by means of cogs and passed in front of a beam of light, it then becomes the physical visual effect of the resultant fast succession of images upon a screen, and includes the illusions of movement (the ‘movie’) – where the Horror film evolves from this is to now include the experience of seeing and reacting to the images displayed. Contained within all this there is the element of ‘story’ where here again within the word there exists a physical package of information that has been completed in a certain way, involving events in time and space, something that happened and the consequences of that – but then there is also in ‘story’ our energy experience within our memories of being told a ‘story’.


This is about how from out of a programmed ‘entertainment’ ‘history’: we can learn to stand up from the systems of mind and consciousness, and learn how to see the media for what it is, by using practical means to deconstruct the filters that we have accepted and allowed and then become inured to.


When and as I see myself being drawn into a movie… I stop, I breathe. I make contact with the physical, I make sure that “I am here.” And then in breath I sound the words “I am here.”

I realize that a point has come up in the movie where I have gone into reaction, and so I commit myself to decide for and in support of myself to investigate this reaction.


Day 393 Stories and Brainwashing




Here are the instructions to the process of accessing our life-force, our beingness, our physical bodies and walking through the mind and consciousness.

EQAFE: ‘The Crucifixion of Jesus’, has been a great support to me because hear within these interviews, presented through the Portal, the actual teachings of Jesus, rather than the ones that were to be, after his death, tweaked and twisted into the four approved versions of his life as the Gospels. How the political message of Equality and the reality of Equality and Oneness were skewed into a religious mantra so as to suit the interests of the system.

The Quantum Mind

This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact and in specific detail.

The FREE DIP LITE Course available to All – simply sign up and start- This is a powerful free introduction to real self-exploration, and self realisation using the Desteni tools, with online support. This really is an opportunity of a life time.


Human Rights and the Equal Life Foundation • • See: The Equal Life Foundation Bill of RightsLiving Income Guaranteed: The Proposal

Day 264: Defining Entertainment


“Stop the World, I want to get off.” This was a line from the film, “It’s a Mad, Mad Mad Mad World” and hearing it, subsequently more than once, I repeated it. I made it my own. At eleven years old, the line seemed to formulate in words something that I had been unable to articulate. In the narrative of the film, this line was made in the context of a wacky car race competition, a race for the prize of lots of money, a series of sketches, one-liners, and visual gags. The suggestion of an opt-out to the competition that seemed to pervade my life was welcome.


The intensity of my amusement experience had a big effect on me, I thought, “I want to see as many films as possible, I want this film experience every day, I want to write down in the pages of my diary, I saw this, and I saw that.” The pages in my diary contained short sentences like, “I had chips.” or “We went swimming.” So now I could add this to my significant experience collection, “I saw: It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World.” I was not aware of this at the time but all the same I was busy defining ‘films’, and hence ‘entertainment’ in and through the eyes of a positive feeling experience in my mind, that seeing a film I was then predisposed to be seeing it through this kind of filter.


It was not only the contents of the films that I added into this definition of entertainment, but the whole experiential context of it; it was defined as a ‘treat’, on a ‘Saturday-night’, which had come to mean a space in the week devoted to entertainment. Entertainment was thus installed not only in the buildings, but into the physical cycle of the ‘week’. My perceptions and experience of the physical building of the cinema blended into ‘Saturday-night’ and ‘treat’, all as real information about what ‘entertainment’ consisted of; going to the ‘pictures’ was like going to see the ‘real’ thing, compared to TV.


This was in my local town, back in the 60’s, a small town, with two cinemas. There was the larger cinema, “The Odeon”, with a ‘neo’ classic frontage, and its own apron of car park, and the other, a smaller more constricted building, down the hill, “The Gaumont”, which stood as part of a terrace on a busy main road, cut off from any parking by a couple of side streets, as it were, at the back doors of the town. While the big cinema would show the family films, the smaller one would show the shadier material, the ‘X’ rated sex and horror.


In my perceptions and interpretations the smaller cinema seemed to have a permanent “shadiness”, becoming stored in my mind like a furtive snap-shot from the passing bus, complete with shadows, just a moment in time through the steamy window to glimpse the value ‘X’, and maybe for example, the word, “Psycho”. During my surveillances of the physical entrance from the street, I noticed that it was arranged so that one could take a sudden turn at right angles, off the pavement and in through the doors and disappear from sight in a single moment. I was “casing the joint”, even if I had not known it.


The ‘X’ was a source of fascination to me, like a secret, or something forbidden. ‘Gaumont’ and ‘Odeon’ both seemed to me like words of power, as if they carried with them a myth-charged presence, having some preordained authority, as projected on the big screen, or as words across the sky. The bigger cinema stood on the hill like a temple, it was fronted by pillars and steps, between the doors were glass windows containing stills of action moments in the film, and inside the doors a massive ‘foyer’, all red carpeted with roped off sections and wide winding stairways and passageways that lead up into the dark. In walking up these stairs that lead into the ‘circle’ and the ‘gallery’ I experienced a sense of elevation and privilege like I had become for a moment as a part of the vaulted gilt and grandeur of the building.


All these impressions words and memories connected to the physical buildings, my feelings, my “Saturday-night” experience, all of it was then contained in ‘entertainment’. My entertainment was to be red carpeted, and elevated, it was an access to the higher circles, but also at the same time within this construct in my mind I was making provision for polarity within it; with this “Gaumont” building that I had not yet explored.


Bringing myself from those years ago to Here, I am looking at: “Stop the World, I want to get off.”


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to make a decision for an existence as myself as an entertainment in my mind.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to make this decision of who I am to be in my life in relation to ‘entertainment’ within and as a reaction of blame towards those around me.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame the ‘race’ and those people around me that forms my ‘world’, for ‘making’ me the way that I feel, which is always bad within myself, as always being the ‘loser’.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe in ‘losing’ and in ‘winning’, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to attach experiences of feeling and emotion to ‘winning’ and to ‘losing’.


I forgive myself that I have not allowed or accepted myself to see that within “Stop the World, I want to get off.” that I have chosen to blame the World and through holding on to this blame that I justify to myself “getting off” into my mind.


I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see realise and understand that through holding on to blame of those around me in my world that I am protecting myself as the mind within and as the feelings of self righteousness, and so within the secrets of my mind have found ways to experience myself as the winner.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define ‘entertainment’ in films as a source of feeling good within myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to turn to ‘entertainment’ when there is an energy building up inside myself that I do not like, where rather than in responsibility looking inside myself and breathing so that I can see what is actually going on in real-time and finding for myself a solution, instead I have accepted and allowed myself to decide for self distraction and procrastination of my own awareness.


I forgive myself that I have not allowed or accepted myself to see realise and understand that I am responsible for the way I feel.


I forgive myself that I have not accepted or allowed myself to see the emotional and feeling reactions within which I have defined for myself the word ‘entertainment’, and from this how I have accepted and allowed myself to experience myself within and as entertainment.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to value distraction from myself as a positive experience.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become addicted to the ‘high’ experience of entertainment, that I have myself defined into it.


I forgive myself that I have not accepted or allowed myself to take time off from my own reality within distraction as entertainment in which I have formed a habit or conditioning to as and when a pressure builds up inside myself to seek an unreality experience within my mind.




Here are the instructions to the process of accessing our life-force, our beingness, our physical bodies and walking through the mind and consciousness.

EQAFE: ‘The Crucifixion of Jesus’, has been a great support to me because hear within these interviews, presented through the Portal, the actual teachings of Jesus, rather than the ones that were to be, after his death, tweaked and twisted into the four approved versions of his life as the Gospels. How the political message of Equality and the reality of Equality and Oneness were skewed into a religious mantra so as to suit the interests of the system.

The Quantum Mind

This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact and in specific detail.

The FREE DIP LITE Course available to All – simply sign up and start- This is a powerful free introduction to real self-exploration, and self realisation using the Desteni tools, with online support. This really is an opportunity of a life time.


Human Rights and the Equal Life Foundation • • See: The Equal Life Foundation Bill of RightsLiving Income Guaranteed: The Proposal

Day 263: ‘Story’:1984 X

“ ‘Reality control’, they called it: in Newspeak, ‘doublethink’ ”. George Orwell


“1984” written in 1949, is much about political control through the manipulations of the meanings of words – hence the word remains so relevant – investigating what is “1984” I found a passage in the opening pages – the character Winston describes sitting in an alcove where he can’t be seen by the telescreen, making a decision, committing with shaking hand, the act of writing – that has been defined as a crime – his possession of a blank paged writing book is in itself a ‘serious’ crime. A route of access of beings out of the grip of the system through self realization – is recognized by the state as a ‘serious’ danger to it – where out of fear of the power of example, it justifies the use of maximum force against an individual through the instrument of ‘Thought Police’. The ‘nightmare’ of 1984 is an image of a people locked out of their own reality. Here in this opening passage we share the experience of Winston with pen poised over paper, at a loss for where to, how to start.


“It was curious that he seemed not merely to have lost the power of expressing himself, but even to have forgotten what it was that he had originally intended to say. For weeks past he had been making ready for this moment, and it had never crossed his mind that anything would be needed except courage. The actual writing would be easy. All he had to do was to transfer to paper the interminable restless monologue that had been running inside his head, literally for years.”


Winston’s insight of what to do, how to investigate and examine what was the nature of the material that swamped his mind is a solution that he is in a kind of half-awareness of. He recognizes this process of writing-out as being like a lifeline in a stormy sea.


Now sixty-five or so years on from the first publication of this ‘story’, “1984” has become a word, it has its connotations and semantics, for most it has come to represent a vague totalitarian dystopia – a warning of the dark consequences of word control – while – though from the beginning it was in the context of ‘story’, and ‘fiction’, that Orwell could persuade the publishers to make the business decision to publish these ideas, during the successive period of time, the word has been further absorbed and conditioned within the ‘buffer zones’, parameters of ‘story’, and ‘entertainment’, while this solution for an individual being in a storm of information bombardment, proposed by Orwell in the opening pages of “1984”, becomes overlaid obscured and is forgotten.


So, in reference to “1984”, bringing this ‘relevance’ into a sharper focus, the enquiry leans toward the question: How and in what way within and as the words I live, do I become “locked out of my own reality”? How and in what way can I initiate enquiry into this? – So that I can find a solution and change it? So that I can for example really actually live the word Life, in the actual World in awareness of actual Beings around me, rather than in and as experience in my mind, according to my definitions of such words.


For sure, this is a process. This post is in the context of a Journey to Life. Obviously I must introspect into this ‘me’ that I have become, and within that introspect the words I use to structure this enquiry. The fact that in my relationships that I made with words I have effectively defined them in terms of me, and me in terms of them, and then lived within and as those definitions, and that within that I am responsible, I made the decision of who I am towards these things, in and as emotion and feeling I have made decisions of consent. Within this my decision is a direct expression of my responsibility.


In this Life, and in this relationship to this Physical World Reality there is ‘me’ as who I am responsible for who I have become: implied within that, there is ‘history’, in the sense of there having been long sequences of events and series of decisions, and each and every one of them was just like this one, here. That is the gift of this. Looking into the word ‘decision’, it is now to me very direct, obvious. I had not seen the simplicity of the word ‘decision’ until I was directed to look at it. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect the word decision to experiences of anxiety and confusion. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed these experiences to have become a weight within who I am and therefore what I ‘mean’ within and as the word ‘decision’.


An image comes to mind, holy shit, watch out for those, lol, supposing that we lived in a world in which the central essence of each word had been redacted, and each were set adrift upon a turbulence of assumption and semantics, while the ink of the redaction had been overwritten by the heiroglyphs of feeling and emotion… that describes a reflection of how my life has been, where the decisions that I have made as my relationship towards words and towards all things has been based on words and in and as reactions. And within and as that redaction as the overwritten existence of energy I have been blind to my reality.


It’s interesting that in the root of the word ‘decision’, there is a literal “cutting-off”. What I see in that is a cutting off between two worlds, the choice between one world and another.





Here are the instructions to the process of accessing our life-force, our beingness, our physical bodies and walking through the mind and consciousness.

EQAFE: ‘The Crucifixion of Jesus’, has been a great support to me because hear within these interviews, presented through the Portal, the actual teachings of Jesus, rather than the ones that were to be, after his death, tweaked and twisted into the four approved versions of his life as the Gospels. How the political message of Equality and the reality of Equality and Oneness were skewed into a religious mantra so as to suit the interests of the system.

The Quantum Mind

This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact and in specific detail.

The FREE DIP LITE Course available to All – simply sign up and start- This is a powerful free introduction to real self-exploration, and self realisation using the Desteni tools, with online support. This really is an opportunity of a life time.


Human Rights and the Equal Life Foundation • • See: The Equal Life Foundation Bill of RightsLiving Income Guaranteed: The Proposal

Day 262: Entertainment: Blade-Runner

bladerunner-voight-kampff test


In the film Blade-Runner, the ‘Voight-Kamff Test’ was designed by the android corporation to measure empathy; it consisted of various physical facial/skin/eye measurements of responses and possible reactions to suggested situations and questions – the principle being that to have emotional responses is a mark of being human – and so – no physiological reaction of ‘empathy’ is therefore an indication of the subject being an android, or a replicant.


This film actually questions the assumptions that since have dominated the science fiction/horror genres, that in the play out of the story it is to be proved that human worth, human supremacy, human victory, is justified by these experiences of energy as emotion within our bodies. Interesting also that through our mainstream media, we are showing to ourselves that we must keep on telling ourselves this story, constantly remind ourselves of this definition of ourselves as human.


What we are constantly over and over showing ourselves through films are often points that we tend to overlook. How in these types of films we see the demonstration of this thesis that in being human we include emotions and feelings almost as a prized possession, defining ourselves as this. And yet, not seeing that protecting and glorifying the very chains of our enslavement, as a form of humiliation. By humiliation I mean a demonstration of the supremacy of consciousness over the physical where for example physical beings become glad to attack and kill each other.


In the context of the entertainment experience one shifts into and becomes a part of, as interactions, as inter-reactions, as sentences and words and gestures, as facial expressions, as ways to be, as suggestions of personality constructs, facsimile life forms, possessions of emotional energy.


Here within and as our very experience we show ourselves how we can substantiate such thoughts and images and sentences and words, how we can have a taste of this supremacy, another promoted human trait, meaning within the wired up definition of being human, and human supremacy, a common ground, almost like a base program, where supremacy is a high energy experience within the secret interiors of the mind as who I am in my mind as superior to the physical around me in which I exist, where the superiority of belief has to be protected, and in a way, built for it a temple of filters and screens.


It is in this consequential world in which we now have manifested these temples of filters and screens along with everything that is here. All of us that live amongst it have to look at what we are showing ourselves, how much it is that we need to show ourselves, written out in massive writing as it were, in words that have opened up, the filters themselves like definition grids, the words that we have lived as consciousness rather than having actually lived.


What we have accepted as a definition of ‘entertainment’ needs to be seriously investigated – particularly since the massive advent of Media corporations becoming globalized – the implications of this to the advancement and streamlining of the systematization of propaganda and the subtle promotion of ideologies, in the context of the manufacture of consent – all of this urgently needs to be investigated and exposed. I mean exposed not in terms of a ‘tabloid’ blame construct as something sensational – but exposed in terms of uncovering for ourselves, pulling back the filters of possessed perception, so that we can see ‘entertainment’ for what it is rather than as “What it says on the Can”, I mean by this, seeing ‘entertainment’ not for example in terms of a context that is provided for us by ‘Hollywood’, or vital physical information that we require, that is provided for us and rationed out in the context of ‘News’ – and within both the words ‘entertainment’ and ‘news’ the definitions that we live as our relationship to ‘story’. These words have formed instead of access to an understanding of who we are within and as this actual physical world, have instead been utilized to pave the way into a ‘rabbit hole’ internal mind experience of the way things are.





Here are the instructions to the process of accessing our life-force, our beingness, our physical bodies and walking through the mind and consciousness.

EQAFE: ‘The Crucifixion of Jesus’, has been a great support to me because hear within these interviews, presented through the Portal, the actual teachings of Jesus, rather than the ones that were to be, after his death, tweaked and twisted into the four approved versions of his life as the Gospels. How the political message of Equality and the reality of Equality and Oneness were skewed into a religious mantra so as to suit the interests of the system.

The Quantum Mind

This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact and in specific detail.

The FREE DIP LITE Course available to All – simply sign up and start- This is a powerful free introduction to real self-exploration, and self realisation using the Desteni tools, with online support. This really is an opportunity of a life time.


Human Rights and the Equal Life Foundation • • See: The Equal Life Foundation Bill of RightsLiving Income Guaranteed: The Proposal

Day 261: Traffic and Housework.

vehicle windows

Day 261: Traffic and Housework

It is raining hard and I am stopped for a few moments in a traffic queue – I feel a physical shockwave of sound, a ‘bang’ – My head jerks right, I am looking across the road and there is a man behind his parked car: in reality he has just slammed the boot – but in my mind a thought came up same moment as the bang, “I have had a collision, I have been hit”- within this also the sudden realization that the entertainment has been interrupted by a consequence – and within this I go into and as a negative value and experience connected with “I have to stand up here, be here.” The memory that came up: an incident when I actually did in fact crunch the back of a car, some years ago, in parking it too fast, and it was in fact near enough in this same place, on this same street – the same near enough that I have in relation to this memory, a double take, I have to check to see if that memory is actually real, that it is not something that is happening right now, and how I do this is to see if the physical sound that is still fresh in my ears is actually in any way connected to this memory, which it isn’t, they are in two separate worlds.

As I go from place to place in the physical world, there is a background newsreel scrolling through my mind, like: Here’s the exact same spot I thought this thought, and then for example walking by, forget I thought this thought, and then, think it again next time.(!) This is how the house I live in gets cluttered up with sequences of memories and repetitions, patterns, in routines, familiarity and processes of normalisation the room becomes more and more unconscious. Seeing realising and understanding these mechanisms at play within the mind makes it easy to do the housework; like for example, “Oh yes, here’s the step where I have this thought about the weeds. Now I choose to let it go, to clear the step I see before me – of all it’s accumulations of memories.”




Here are the instructions to the process of accessing our life-force, our beingness, our physical bodies and walking through the mind and consciousness.

EQAFE: ‘The Crucifixion of Jesus’, has been a great support to me because hear within these interviews, presented through the Portal, the actual teachings of Jesus, rather than the ones that were to be, after his death, tweaked and twisted into the four approved versions of his life as the Gospels. How the political message of Equality and the reality of Equality and Oneness were skewed into a religious mantra so as to suit the interests of the system.

The Quantum Mind

This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact and in specific detail.

The FREE DIP LITE Course available to All – simply sign up and start- This is a powerful free introduction to real self-exploration, and self realisation using the Desteni tools, with online support. This really is an opportunity of a life time.


Human Rights and the Equal Life Foundation • • See: The Equal Life Foundation Bill of RightsLiving Income Guaranteed: The Proposal

Day 260: Worth





Something specific that I realized I had learned mistakenly – in the context of my education – a primary lesson – was how assistance and support for me was to be in accordance to my worth or to my current sense of self worth.


So – another angle on the walk through basic ‘not-good-enough’ programming – investigating ‘worth’.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to internalize this interpreted parent/teacher relationship to me, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that assistance and support for me was to be conditional, was to be in accordance with my current sense of living ‘worth’.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become possessed by a personality of ‘worth’, in and as which I had been responsible for the with-holding of self assistance and self support in the context of ‘worth’, the ‘worth’ that I lived.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to charge the word worth with negative energy, and then to have lived it as who I am.


I forgive myself that I have not accepted or allowed myself to see that in the common sense reality of the value of life being life – what is then the function of worth – but in assistance and support for life, as life. What is the essence of value itself, but Life.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refer to ‘worth’ within myself as to a structure in my mind as an enduring quality of ‘who I am’, rather than seeing realizing and understanding that it is who I am in each moment, what in each moment is my starting point in alignment to life.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe in these enduring absolutes of definitions of myself within my mind, and that within this that I have not seen realized or understood that I am standing in and as myself as not able to change.


Within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear within commitment, the fall, the ‘inevitable’ mind experience of ‘this is what I am, this finished object, these relationships of judgements’, and I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed such backchats as ‘I cannot change’, and ‘change does not exist for me’, through which I have accepted and allowed myself to give up on myself, experiencing this negative energy as who I am in ‘worth’.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become possessed by a personality systemization of energy as who I am in my mind, superior, as a dispenser or with-holder of assistance and support, according to the current experience that is contained in ‘worth’.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use ‘worth’ as a vessel of mind values and energy relationships, and that within that I have used the contents of ‘worth’ as a resource of self judgement, through which I have accepted and allowed definitions of myself according to the values of the mind that is contained in ‘worth’, rather than according to as reference to what is real as life.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed values of the mind to exist within me without standing back for a moment and assessing for myself how these values are or not connected to the actual physical world in which I live.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed over and over the word worth connected into money, and value connected into money. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed who I am within and as worth and value in the context of money, within myself and within the objects in my world.


I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see realise and understand that there is a gift within the living of worth redefined within and as the value of life being life, that there is a gift within unyoking myself from this ‘worth’ as I have accepted and allowed myself to define it in my mind.


I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see realise and understand that who I am as wavering within the conditions of a judgement of my worth have sabotaged the depth of my commitment to me, my willingness to assist and support myself in standing in and as commitment.


When and as the word ‘worth’ arises in my mind as in the energy of a doubt, I stop, I breathe, I do not accept this ‘worth’ as a nexus of mind values, I am standing as who I am as worth within the value of Life being Life, I commit myself in this moment of this breath to assist and support myself without condition.






Here are the instructions to the process of accessing our life-force, our beingness, our physical bodies and walking through the mind and consciousness.

EQAFE: ‘The Crucifixion of Jesus’, has been a great support to me because hear within these interviews, presented through the Portal, the actual teachings of Jesus, rather than the ones that were to be, after his death, tweaked and twisted into the four approved versions of his life as the Gospels. How the political message of Equality and the reality of Equality and Oneness were skewed into a religious mantra so as to suit the interests of the system.

The Quantum Mind

This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact and in specific detail.

The FREE DIP LITE Course available to All – simply sign up and start- This is a powerful free introduction to real self-exploration, and self realisation using the Desteni tools, with online support. This really is an opportunity of a life time.


Human Rights and the Equal Life Foundation • • See: The Equal Life Foundation Bill of RightsLiving Income Guaranteed: The Proposal