Day 443: Opening the word Support

Day 443: Opening the word Support

“…an interesting principal of What’s Best for All: is how would you want to be approached, be taken care of, be in a relationship with something or someone, how would you want to be treated? What’s best for all essentially exists and stands in the principle of, Do unto others, as you’d want done unto yourself. That’s the key practical principle that measures What’s Best for All, because you are in Do unto others as you’d want to done unto you: you are doing what’s best for you, and that is doing what’s best for you – is how you will treat others – and it will come through like for example walking into your work or a place or a moment and even into your day, even waking up in your body. It’s like asking your self how would I want to be greeted by this day, if I were a day? Like imagine the day itself is you, and the day can kind of embrace you in its arms, and you are waking up into it: it’s like asking, What of me do I want to give here, how do I want to experience walking into myself? And that can really awaken you to more of an awareness of how much we tend to accept and allow ourselves to shift into multiple moments of these polarities of positive and negative and neutral where you just need to shift your awareness more into who am I? How am I being received by the day, by others, by the moment, by my own body? It’s like placing yourself more in the shoes of others.” Extract from Reptilians 605


… As this day, as this field, as these beings, as this that is in front of me… listening to Anu in this recording I get a sense of the reality of Oneness and Equality, it becomes almost tangible in his very words, a sense of an awakening awareness opening within my mind, and within and in response to these words also I realise that what exists for me here is the essence of the word Support. Placing myself more in the shoes of others: within this very thought there is expansion, expansion into what, a world in which how I’d want to be taken care of by the world is exactly equal to the nature of my taking care of all and each that is the world. That experience I have with listening to these words is for me an intimation of a world in which Embrace exists like this in multiple dimensions, for all awarenesses, not as an option or a preference, but as a principle of being. That doing unto others as you’d like to be done unto, existing as the same relationship of All to All, creating like a fabric of Support.


How am I to use this intimation, turn it from an inspiration into something practical for me? Placing myself more into the shoes of others is something I can practice more: seeing and understanding that this is truly Best for me as is Best for All gives certainty to the practice of these steps. When I check this in my life I find that those moments of support that really meant something to me, all had these ingredients, these principles; they were moments of actual contact, meeting, recognition, another being standing in my shoes, seeing the world with me for a moment, sharing my position, freeing me up from the constraints of isolation, seeing the strength in me that I myself had up till then refused to see.



Support for All at Desteni

Redefining and Living Words – SOUL –  The School of Ultimate Living – Invest in a wide range of Interviews and Support yourself to Self Perfection
Journey To Life Blogs – Read the blogs from those walking the 7 year journey to life.
DIP Lite – Free Online Course to get you started with learning the Tools of Self Support
DIP PRO -A Desteni Course for those Ready to Walk the Journey to Life

Day 442: The word Initiative


Day 441: The word Initiative


Sometimes words come up for me in a new light, or else I hear them differently as if for the first time, as if with a renewed supply from their source – from their specific natures – from their specific worlds – suddenly without the dissonance of my personal history and experience – in which I first absorbed it, accepted it, defined it, and so subsequently had been (vaguely) living it, ‘knowing’ it – and within all this, much of the work of the discovery process of Redefining words kind of happened in a moment, and so with this I experience myself in a different way, I expand into and with the word, and my life is different. It is as if I’d heard the word directly, without distraction, and hearing thus, the word becomes a gift, a valuable support.


Living in an age in which the words are opening, the word Initiative has been for me an example of this opening: looking down within myself at the question of who am I within and as this specific word I saw immediately a point of fire, like my own subjective cosmic bang, as in that moment when the universe comes through the needle’s eye, and out of nothingness – and so for me this word Initiative contains like a direct access into the spark of me. I’ve never come across a word like this: a word that in and of itself as the subject of some introspection, would burst so obviously into vigor, into life.


And yet when I ask myself, then what is my Initiative, what else is there anywhere but in myself that I can refer to? Who knows what may be found within this word for others. And yet when I look into my past, I realise that whenever I was advised to deal with a situation by ‘using my initiative’ it was always a comfort to me: I kind of knew that I would come up with something. And so I always knew that I could rely on this. The advice I found most worrying was full of detailed instruction, fraught with well meant warnings of what might happen if I did not follow them. I suppose the best advice I got was like a few pointers and the confidence of my advisor that I would find my way.


And so with this word Initiative, a story then began of things that happened as I walked my daily life with and as this new component, in which I was aware of who I am as this word in the very start of Action, with no reference to anything but to this phenomena of me, this nothingness with this self reliance. My personal story would involve the practical twists and turns of making things, putting things together, solving problems, I felt inspired to try new things.


Initiative: involves Beginning, Action, Purpose, Intention, Direction, and yet all of these expressions flow from that single point of Self. The Initiative of Desteni: so now I hear these words in this new light, a call to each of us to find our way within and through ourselves – and yet not by ourselves – there never has existed such support for us to change ourselves: the support of others sharing how this process to awareness goes for them, the support of the Dimensionals who are also sharing, speaking through the Portal, making the recordings that are Eqafe.


Support for All at Desteni

Redefining and Living Words – SOUL –  The School of Ultimate Living – Invest in a wide range of Interviews and Support yourself to Self Perfection
Journey To Life Blogs – Read the blogs from those walking the 7 year journey to life.
DIP Lite – Free Online Course to get you started with learning the Tools of Self Support
DIP PRO -A Desteni Course for those Ready to Walk the Journey to Life

Day 441: Scarcity and Abundance

…This succulent came into bud a couple of weeks ago, and being new to this sub-tropical climate, region, I was fascinated to realise that I had absolutely no idea at all of what form the flower would take, which was exciting in itself; so I watched the buds unfurl, and as it turned out, the flowers were these delicate pink/orange bell like forms. Looking for an image of Abundance, somewhere near at hand, this flowering of this unknown plant struck me as a good example, the Abundance of the natural world.


Day 441: Scarcity and Abundance


Scarcity is an illusion in a reality of Abundance. Many would say, But No, Scarcity is real, just look around at the state of the world, of poverty, of starvation. And yet these problems that we face are really Scarcity accepted and allowed and manufactured, systemized; for sure scarcity exists as the reality that we have together made, the reality that is awarded to it by the money system – because if scarcity can be organized then there is monetary value in it; where Abundance is defined in Wealth, Abundance has been defined and limited by Scarcity, it is not real Abundance, but Abundance as a polarity of Scarcity. In looking at these problems of the world, our very existence here, our ability to question them, to see them, to understand them, to bring solutions to them – where does this ability come from but from but the Abundance that we are, that we live as beings, that we live each day but take for granted?

The word Scarcity: seeing how often this word is present in the background of my mind, I noticed how mischievous it was, stirring up the shit, acting as a catalyst of many a bad feeling, bad experience. When I looked into it I saw how believing that Scarcity is real, when applied to love, there are the conditions for jealousy to form, for competition, hatred, and evil. Believing that Scarcity is real applied to a resource, there is clinging, possessiveness, meanness, secrecy the word has a darkening, withering effect. Believing that Scarcity is real applied to time there is impatience, hurry, then there are justifications of the cutting of such apparent luxuries of care, consideration. Believing that Scarcity is real is the same as living it, becoming it, not seeing how I had invested the reality of me into it, not seeing my responsibility in doing this, that investment of my own reality into it is a moment of standing up in and as it – as the character of scarcity, and as a catalyst of decision, action. Or sometimes not of immediate action but of a catalyst of inner feelings and emotions, such as giving my reality into perceived scarcity of understanding in another’s response, which may then accumulate into blame, and only eventually contribute to a decision, an action. The feeling of the word is like a tightening, a contraction of the middle of my body, as if a caution or a caveat was erupting in the flow of life, there is a catch, a holding of breath: it is similar to fear, it is like fear, it Scares, it is a bringer of fear. In being scared by something, there is accepted and allowed a scarcity of wellbeing, a scarcity of natural courage, a scarcity of groundedness, a scarcity of future…

So in view of all of this, what I have been practicing is, when my dark side rears up, is to look into the current situation and ask myself: how and in what way does the word Scarcity come into this? Is it that I have empowered this word as who I am by giving it my own reality? To what have I applied it? And are there points of Abundance near at hand for me to live instead? Something that I’ve found is that in focusing my mind upon Abundance, it has a releasing quality, a generosity, it comes along as a word that offers me a new alternative that puts my current niggle back into perspective.




Support for All at Desteni

Redefining and Living Words – SOUL –  The School of Ultimate Living – Invest in a wide range of Interviews and Support yourself to Self Perfection
Journey To Life Blogs – Read the blogs from those walking the 7 year journey to life.
DIP Lite – Free Online Course to get you started with learning the Tools of Self Support
DIP PRO -A Desteni Course for those Ready to Walk the Journey to Life