Day 205: The Right for All to Access Life

Human Rights and the Equal Life Foundation  •  •


See: The Equal Life Foundation Bill of Rights



Day 205: The Right for All to Access Life 


What does it say about this world that such a Right should need to be established? What are the criminal justifications that I have accepted and allowed and lived and collaborated in within the word ‘civilization’?


Realising that what I have accepted and allowed for me, I have accepted and allowed for all, therefore I commit myself to stop the automatic justification processes of energy as consciousness that I have accepted and allowed to run within this mind, and that hence, I have accepted and allowed to run amok within this world.

I commit myself to stop accepting and allowing these automatic functions and patterns and relationships of energy where I have become locked into a prism of self interested consciousness as a passive observer of my own reality, rather than as a participant of life, and I commit myself to develop and learn for the first time in my existence, to actually walk the Earth and to make it possible for all as me to do the same.

I commit myself to through using the tools of writing in the physical, self-forgiveness and self-correction, remove my own support for the limitations of my accepted brainwashing. I commit myself to a fundamental re-education and re-alignment of the principles that I have lived in which my living has become a belief in my mind rather than an actuality in the physical world.

I commit myself to change this world system of money which is the physical expression of the consciousness that now dominates all life on Earth. I commit myself to this task and opportunity of realizing myself as life and to the giving and supporting of this opportunity to all as me. 

I commit myself to this sharing of my process in this journey to life, in the realization of how much I have been supported in the readings of other journeys to life, and in the realization that all of us are deconstructing the exact same mind that we have furnished with our own experience.



Next post I continue with the deconstruction of this passive observer, aloof in hope within the mind.




Here are the instructions to the process of accessing our life-force, our beingness, our physical bodies and walking through the mind and consciousness.

The Quantum Mind
This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact and in specific detail.


Follow these online blogs:

Heaven’s Journey To Life:  Life and Death part2

Creation’s Journey to Life:  Psychics and the Quantum Body part2


7 Year Journey to Life @ Facebook


The FREE DIP LITE Course available to All  – simply sign up and start- This is a powerful free introduction to real self-exploration, and self realisation using the Desteni tools, with online support. This really is an opportunity of a life time.



Day 204: Hope in Imagination and Fear of Powerlessness

desteni_return to Earth


Human Rights and the Equal Life Foundation  •  •



 continuing from previous post…


A bumpy ride through the objections and ‘buts’ as fear expressions in seeing this me that stands in self-righteousness and hope.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react with fear and anxiety in seeing and facing what it is that I have accepted and allowed as who I am in this relationship of standing in and clinging to self righteousness in hope.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear the shame of the reality of what is that I have accepted and allowed and my responsibility within it, and through this accepted fear reaction to my own reality, to have accepted and allowed a smoke screen of confusion in my mind to not see clearly what it is that I have done or how it is that I have come to be this way.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge self-righteousness as ‘bad’, and through this judgement accepted and allowed myself to avoid to see it in myself, because believing in this judgement, I fear to experience myself as bad.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize and understand that this self-righteousness is a position/stance that I have adopted as myself deliberately in order to create a positive feeling and thus feel better about myself – within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see that together with the judgement that I hold of ‘self-righteousness is bad’, I have actually trapped myself into a compulsive ignorance of me, so that I have accepted and allowed myself to never see my own self-righteousness for what it is, so that I can continue in it as an energy experience in which I feel better, and yet actually have no comprehension of how I came to be the way I am.


So… The relationship of hope to fear of my experience of powerlessness, where from early days in this life, I accepted and allowed myself to not look into this -and hence to understand it and give myself the possibility of a solution to it – but instead to escape into hope and imagination where I could have a world and a make believe reality and an energy experience according to my own design and liking.


I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to fear the experience of powerlessness in my life, and for not seeing and realizing and understanding that this experience I feared came out of the belief that I had lived of being powerless, and that this belief had come from my abdication of self-responsibility in my life, in which I had accepted and allowed myself to see myself and to be defined through the eyes of the world, and to be defined and moved according to the energy reactions within me. Within this I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize and understand that stability was something that I give myself and was able to develop for myself from a starting point that I had not accepted or allowed myself to see began within me. Therefore I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to blame the world as an expression of having given my power away to it by putting all responsibility for who I am upon it, and through this to fear the experience of powerlessness in which my experience of myself was entirely according to my energy reactions which in turn appeared to me to be within the hands of others.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see realize and understand the nature of the negative experience of myself and therefore how and why I developed and evolved a character of hope and imagination, and how and why I came to protect and defend this with self-righteousness.



Continuing next post…



Heaven’s Journey To Life:  Life and Death part2

Creation’s Journey to Life:  Psychics and the Quantum Body

Earth’s Journey to Life


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The Quantum Mind
This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact in specific details.

Day 203: Hope and Grasping Belief

Human Rights and the Equal Life Foundation  •  •



 continuing from previous post…


Walking further into the Hope construct that I have lived and into the self-religion in which I see and realise that I have accepted and allowed for belief to be justified as a mode of existence. I commit myself to ‘take my life into my own hands’ – not as a statement of risk or peril, but as a deliberate movement into the physical and a step beyond the belief that fear and hope exist.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that ‘taking my life into my own hands’ is a moment of danger or peril, and for within that not seeing and realizing and understanding that within accepting this that I have accepted and allowed myself to define this life according to this consciousness that I have lived, in which this danger and this peril appear to be so real; and within this thus I forgive myself that I have not asked myself the question, that if I take my life into my own hands as such, then who and what am I accepting and allowing myself to be? Therefore I commit myself to take accept and allow into my hands the responsibility for what I am within the physical, to organize my life within the physical so as to support my life within the physical, so as to stabilize my existence in the physical and no longer live in hope, no longer live this construct of the mind within which I have accepted and allowed myself to justify belief.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe the statement that what I should do is to ‘believe in myself’, and I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize that I am here, that I am the living proof that I am here, that in accepting and allowing this phrase ‘believe in myself’ to exist within me, that I have accepted and allowed myself to be as a belief within my mind, and have chosen to separate myself from me. Therefore I commit myself to live this living proof of who I am within and as the physical, within the practicality that is this movement that is my direction of myself within this physical world.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize and understand that within the word ‘justify’ that I have accepted and allowed that I am just if I … as a belief in who I am as just and therefore right, and that I have lived this word as a structural support of who I am within self righteousness, validating this existence in dependence on a victim or an object of blame for this image of myself to exist. Therefore I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to seek for ways and means within my mind to strengthen the belief in who I am as an image in my mind, and that I have accepted and allowed a process of further abdication and denial of the immanent proof of who I am the physical that is always here.


I see and realize and understand that I cannot just simply live as ‘letting go’ of Hope, without walking and retracing the steps that I have made in assembling this design of who I am, therefore I commit myself to research and investigate myself because I see and realize that it is only through review and realignment through self forgiveness and self correction of these mistaken commitments that I have made and built on, extended and evolved in further separation from myself, and further separation from who I am as this responsibility within the physical, that I can practically eradicate and ‘let go’ of hope. I see and realize and understand that letting go of hope involves me no longer requiring it or finding it necessary for it to be there, therefore I commit myself to research the fears that I accepted and allowed as real, and my beliefs that I could escape from this into hope and into the dimensions of imagination.


Continuing next post…




Heaven’s Journey To Life:  Who (or What) Determines/defines Life?

Creation’s Journey to Life: Investigating Human Rights

Earth’s Journey to Life


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The Quantum Mind
This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact in specific details.

Day 202: Removing Hope and Hopeless

Human Rights and the Equal Life Foundation • •


Day 202: Removing Hope and Hopeless


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear the loss of hope where I have defined ‘hopeless’ as a negative. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed ‘hopeless’ to exist within and as me as negatively charged.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define ‘hopeless’ as in ‘doomed’, or ‘disastrous’, or as in there being ‘no escape’.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize and understand that ‘hopeless’ means in common sense, without the energy or feeling of hope, and that in being without this feeling or with this feeling has made no difference to this physical situation but my relation to it.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that a situation in physical reality can have the attributes of ‘hopeful’ or ‘hopeless’ and I forgive myself that I have not accepted or allowed myself to see and realise that I have projected onto what is here my feelings and emotions.


Within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to look upon the physical reality and see attributes within it that are not there but are aspects of my self interest.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define ‘hopeless’ as a negative, in which I have defined a ‘hopeless’ situation as a situation that does not have a solution. Therefore I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define solution for myself within hope.


I commit myself to remove this hope as a solution from the design of me.


I forgive myself that I have not accepted or allowed myself to realise that without hope then there is nothing for me to wait for, because within hope I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I must wait.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to within and as hope justify that I do not take responsibility for my world and my reality and commit myself to physical action and practical change in order to establish stability in my life and in order to support the stability in those around me, in alignment with what is best for all.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realise and understand that hope is a design of negativity and that possessed with hope I have accepted and allowed myself to live as negativity. Within this I see and realise my shame that in my life I have not learned to support myself, that I have not created a system of stability for me, have not taken responsibility for my own life and cared for me in this existence.


I commit myself to face the consequence of this, to stand up here and move myself to find some way to change my situation.



Heaven’s Journey To Life

Creation’s Journey to Life

Earth’s Journey to Life


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The Quantum Mind
This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact in specific details.

Day 201: Hope and God



There never was a time where I did not associate God with Hope, and although there have been various times when I have found traces of God-connected thought patterns in my life which I have approached as if it were some kind of fall-out, or magic dust that I had neglected to clean up, having apparently expunged God from my life, I did not realise that this God idea was in fact a dispensable add-on in the constructs of my mind, and whether or not he was dead, or exploded, or had just neatly ceased to exist, it didn’t matter a hoot to the programming that I had accepted and allowed as me.

It’s like the idea of God actually had grown out of an energetic core of Hope- rather than visa versa; the story all about this superiority benevolence almightiness was like a surface feature really, it functioned as a justification so that I did not need to question the validity of this experience of Hope, while the Hope itself was the energetic reality within this myth, for having accepted and bought into it and lived within and as Hope, my existence became shaped by a positive experience of waiting and non action, apathy, justified by laid-backness, as if ‘everything’s ok’. And so while Hope was the actual subtle energy that emerged within me and warmed and comforted and mesmerized in a way, the God idea/interpretation was really an accessory. So at some point when I saw clearly that this God as I had defined it in my life was a projection of my self responsibility, the idea itself was rather too easily rejected, and I missed this point of Hope. It wasn’t just simply that this God had been as a projection of my self responsibility; it was also that this Hope in which I continued to live was the exact same thing, but under a different name, and very much closer to home, more intimately entwined with me – and I continued to tolerate it not realizing that in fact I had not really changed but only moved or rearranged myself within my mind.


So here I start a walk through this. Running from reality was a point that came up yesterday, and so this continues where I have made a decision to not face myself in my experience of fear and give myself the opportunity within that of understanding comprehension self forgiveness and actual change – but instead have gone into the experience of hope and into imagination and magical stuff such as God, and in my acceptance and allowance have created and reacted in this pattern over and over again.



Heaven’s Journey To Life

Creation’s Journey to Life

Earth’s Journey to Life


Human Rights and the Equal Life Foundation

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The Quantum Mind
This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact in specific details.









Day 200: Running from Reality


Backchat : What’s wrong with running away from reality?


This line of backchat came popping up into my mind as I was reading through a Journey to Life blog post about procrastination I take it to be as a self righteous protection and defence of the procrastination character.

It’s a tricksy question, because it implies that if there is nothing ‘wrong’, then hope can be established (made ‘real’) in it being ok. So here within this point, a self manipulation.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to manipulate myself with using the word ‘wrong’ deliberately as a point that can be dismissed so as to establish proof of righteousness in the equations of my mind that it could then be justified and ok and excusable to be running from reality, if ‘only just for now’ in the context of procrastination.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to justify and validate a fear within this statement specifically within the word ‘running’, in which I make an implication of something coming after me within my mind.

I forgive myself that I have within this statement accepted and allowed myself to define reality as something separate from me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself within this statement to define myself as superior within being as my own god in defining reality itself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define myself as less than this reality, while at the same time superior in that I can choose to live within a justification of running away from it. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realise and understand the multiple insanities in such a backchat statement, but that instead I have simply let it exist within and as me as a statement that is presented to myself as an answered question.

I forgive myself that I have within this backchat statement accepted and allowed myself to not see that I am the reality from which I run.

I forgive myself that I have within this backchat statement accepted and allowed myself to not see that I am justifying and validating a fear of my own experience of myself, in which rather than facing the reality of what it is that I am accepting and allowing as who I am, I have chosen to justify my fear and go into the experience of energy as hope within my mind and my imagination where in an alternative reality apparently I can escape from me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realise and understand and recognize this backchat statement as an element of mind control through which I have accepted and allowed myself as superior within an accumulation of energy in service of this consciousness as the energy authority of me.

I forgive myself that in this backchat statement that I have accepted and allowed myself justify myself as consequence of energy reaction, and as self righteousness within rejection of my reality in this existence which is as self responsibility in who I am and who I have become.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see in this backchat statement, that it is also part of an internal conversion in which I am being questioned, and that in my defensiveness I have interpreted in my mind as criticism or judgement.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed a question arising in myself as an attack on me, from which I have accepted and allowed myself essentially to stand up for me as my fears of me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to store this backchat statement/internal conversation retort/answer back within me and as part of who I am.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to point a finger of blame towards an imaginary questioner of who and what I am allowing myself to be. In this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to score again in winning as self righteousness against the voices of judgement. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react towards my own self judgements in being ‘wrong’. Within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to justify my judgements of myself so as not to listen to the question in and of my mind that obviously there is a problem here in that I am accepting and allowing myself to believe that it is possible to escape the consequence of me. 

Within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live in hope that I can have an alternative existence that is without consequence. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to trust this hope. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to stand up for and defend this hope in reaction games within my mind. Within all this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not notice that I have become possessed by energy within these distractions and that meanwhile who I am that is real remains not faced, not understood and so as unresolvable within the conflicts of my mind.

I commit myself to remove this backchat statement from my mind as part of the character of procrastination, and as the initiating trigger for a character of ‘life should be fun’.





New Interviews: Sunette Spies: 

Day 343 The meaning of Self –for-Gifting/Giving Life pt 1

Day 344 The meaning of Self- for-Gifting/Giving Life part 2


Bernard Poolman: Changing the Character of the World


Human Rights and the Equal Life Foundation



the FREE DIP LITE Course now available to All  – simply sign up and start- This is a powerful free introduction to real self-exploration, and self realisation using the Desteni tools, with online support. This really is an opportunity of a life time.



The Quantum Mind
This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact in specific details.


4 Count Breath as Emergency Tool of Self-Support


Heaven’s Journey To Life

Creation’s Journey to Life

Earth’s Journey to Life


7 Year Journey to Life @ Facebook


Books Interviews Information Music

Day 199: Trust in Fear


In fearing fear I have stated without somehow noticing it how it is that I have put my trust in fear – why else would I have listened to it – relied upon it – found it necessary – used it’s guidance – found comfort in it – why is it that I have not seen this positive relationship that I have made with it? In some quiet moments in my mind, I notice something new in me – a kind of loneliness – in this nothingness where fear has left a space, and I realise that I am missing it, and implied in this, is that I am holding on to it, calling it back, please come back fear, I miss you so much, how can who I am, as who I’ve been, go on without you. It would be great if seeing the ridiculousness of a relationship would somehow just stop it from existing, though I realise that it does not work like that. What I am looking at is a commonality in a multiplicity of relationships, which stand firm, written in machine code in the structures and the infra-structures of my being.


I forgive myself that I have been standing up in blame of fear itself, as the baddy; that in this story that I have cast myself as the self-righteous one, where I have excused and justified myself by putting the responsibility for who and what I have accepted and allowed of me in the process of this life onto this separated dark and evil, apparently, ‘fear’. I commit myself now to look upon this very uncomfortable truth here – a secret that I have kept away from my awareness – the unavoidable twist in the story – is that all along – the fear was useful in my schemes, that it was indispensible, a necessary component to this false integrity that I have lived as me, where I get to keep some self-respect, some dignity. And all along, behind this front, that I have manipulated my belief, in this apparent darkness of fear as ignorance of my own awareness, that the pay-off was a justified self-interest.  Here is shame of who I have accepted and allowed myself to be as a house of cards in a scam existence.


I forgive myself that I have not accepted or allowed myself to look upon the convenience of having with me fear, where who and what I am within convenience is directly exposed, while yet in fear of fear that I remain as hidden to myself, and distracted from this self.


I forgive myself that I have not accepted or allowed myself to see that I have chosen an existence where I do not see and realise and face my self-dishonesty, and that within this, on the ‘ground’ of this, the energetic platform of this, that I have accepted and allowed myself to make structures of myself as personalities that thrive on fear.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe in fear, and that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see and realise and understand and face the fact that this belief itself is a decision that I have made and chosen to suppress and to forget and hide away.


In seeing, realizing and understanding this responsibility that I have in this belief of fear, I commit myself to bring this realization with me as I walk this process, in my self forgiveness and self correction of myself, so that as I face the relationships that I have written into me and made me with, as fear, that I no longer see this fear as something bad that must be removed, as if it just happened to be there as part of a system and my pre-programming, but as a decision that I have made in my self interest, and as relationship that I have made in which I justify my own existence as myself as not to blame.





New Interviews: Sunette Spies: 

Day 343 The meaning of Self –for-Gifting/Giving Life pt 1

Day 344 The meaning of Self- for-Gifting/Giving Life part 2


Bernard Poolman: Changing the Character of the World



the FREE DIP LITE Course now available to All  – simply sign up and start- This is a powerful free introduction to real self-exploration, and self realisation using the Desteni tools, with online support. This really is an opportunity of a life time.



The Quantum Mind
This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact in specific details.


4 Count Breath as Emergency Tool of Self-Support


Heaven’s Journey To Life

Creation’s Journey to Life

Earth’s Journey to Life


7 Year Journey to Life @ Facebook


Books Interviews Information Music

Day 198: Negativity as Freedom



I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist as fear in relationship to debunking my own lines of backchat that I have accepted and allowed within me and as such so to remain. Within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed fear of realization of who I am as programmed substance, responsible within this for what I have accepted and allowed myself to be and to become, responsible within this as fear of change, and fear of realization of this responsibility I have in writing into me this fear of change. I see and realise and understand this fear of change to be essential to the integrity of energy constructs as personalities, therefore I forgive myself that in accepting and allowing this who I am as fear of change, to be standing by and as this primary relationship through which a personality can exist, define, evolve itself and continue to survive as an aspect of this consciousness.


Continuing here to investigate the contents of the word ‘No’ as I have substantiated it with who I am, and so defined it and lived it. Here I look at how I have contained within this word ‘No’, experiences of energy in the context of using it within self-righteousness as retaliation – in seeking to lay the blame onto others- and then have accepted and allowed these sentences as automatic program-speak within my mind as backchat.


Some ‘No’ Refusal/Retaliation Backchat:


“No! – I won’t do it – because – you can’t make me, why should I, this is MY-LIFE, I do what I like, I don’t feel like it…”


A catechism – I mean by this, …’a series of fixed questions, answers, or precepts used for instruction in other situations.’ (dictionary def.) … This backchat as I have written out here comes over as a catechism in the sense of it being a list or a series of self vows, behests, beliefs, self instructions to justify this ‘who I am’, what I stand for and as in the self-religion of me as a system of self interest. As such they are expressions of self as negativity interpreted and justified through consciousness as positive self-judgements as ‘freedom’.


You can’t make me.

Subtext: I see the issue of whether or not I can be ‘made’ to do something to be necessary to state in this refusal.

In this I emphasize my stand as fear of manipulation, (see previous 2 posts) and so also to divert me from the realization that I hide from me awareness that I am acting according to how I have been ‘made’ ( this word ‘made’ as in both ‘constructed’, and in ‘forced to act’) within the programming.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create strategies in which I do not see the detail of the mind-control that I have accepted and allowed, through which I see myself as ready-made, as unchangeable, as positive within standing in loyalty to this consequence of me. Within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to stand as self righteousness in protection and defence of this ‘me’, as blame of others as in defining their request of me as abusive and undermining, that in asking me to do something, that they are trying to make me into something other than what I am.


Why should I?

Subtext: There is no ‘reason’ why ‘I’ should do this. I align myself to ‘reason’, to the equations of this consciousness, and within and from this platform of reasoning, I know that I can always find a back door open for me in which I have justified and excused my ‘No’ refusal, and through this to have found a positive energy reward within self righteousness, and blame of others in that I am making them ‘at fault’ within being unreasonable.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refer to and to revert to the laws of reasoning within my mind as me in separation from myself, in this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have left who I really am – as this awareness that I am here – out of my own equations.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate within imagination, seeing myself as strengthlessness, as a loser within complying automatically to a request, that I am being pushed around by others, and so within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself as superior and as strength in saying ‘No’, and also within this I forgive myself that I have not accepted or allowed myself to see realize and understand that I have accepted and allowed myself as automatic within this and have not allowed myself to see that in this automation I have moved so fast to not see the decisions that I have made, or that I have accepted and allowed the programming to make for me while I stand aside in separation.



This is MY-LIFE.

Subtext: This life is according to how I have defined it in my mind.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within an ignorance of how I have actually substantiated and so defined and lived these words of ‘Me’ and hence ‘My’, and ‘Life’, and I commit myself to walk these words within and as this process of self realization. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be blind to what I have accepted and allowed as ‘Who I Am’, within and as these words by justifying to myself that this is ‘obvious’.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define who and what I am as life according to the mind, and for within this that I have accepted and allowed myself to define what is ‘me’ according to the mind, and hence what is ‘mine’, and within this I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to see realise and understand that in this statement, ‘this is MY-LIFE’, that I have defined myself according to my definition of myself which is as the MIND.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that with this MY-LIFE I am free to do with it whatever I ‘please’, which includes as ‘my’ property, my freedom to abuse. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realise and understand that within this I have accepted and allowed myself as absolute in separation from life itself within an image of myself as an impossibility in apparently being the ‘owner’ of it, and being superior to it in this relationship of ‘my’ ‘property’.


I do what I like.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to align myself to acting in my self interest only according to preferences of energy as in avoidance and attraction.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to align myself to be limited within and as apparent choices to only serve self interest.


I don’t feel like it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be as consciousness and scan to ascertain whether or not there is good feelings for me as energy reward to be generated out of these actions. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to stand within and as and for good feelings as this positive assertion of myself as ‘free’ to ‘not do’ if I see no energy reward within it.



I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see realize and understand that underneath this list of backchat lays a consistent refusal that I have accepted and allowed as refusal to see my self responsibility in all of this, that in this backchat I am attempting to justify my separation from myself, appealing to illusions of and as myself as righteousness, while fearing who I am as wrong or as less than good enough. Within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see and realize and understand that I have created an energy reality and superimposed it onto what is here as relationships between points of blame.


I commit myself to release myself from and to change this programming that I have accepted and allowed within the word ‘No’. I commit myself to stop and breathe when there is a reaction in me that would be as this programmed version of myself within the word No, and with stopping me to learn to actually live this word in stopping my acceptance and allowance of this backchat to exist. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed this word as permissions for my system.


When and as refusal comes up in me, I stop within the simplicity of this word ‘No’, and I breathe, and I remind myself that the only strength within this reality of myself is my own strength because there is no one else here within me but me, that I am seeing this strength of me in separation from myself and that I have accepted and allowed myself as less than it. Therefore I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear my own strength, and I now allow myself to breathe and I embrace this strength as me.









New Interviews: Sunette Spies: 

Day 343 The meaning of Self –for-Gifting/Giving Life pt 1

Day 344 The meaning of Self- for-Gifting/Giving Life part 2


Bernard Poolman: Changing the Character of the World



the FREE DIP LITE Course now available to All  – simply sign up and start- This is a powerful free introduction to real self-exploration, and self realisation using the Desteni tools, with online support. This really is an opportunity of a life time.



The Quantum Mind
This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact in specific details.


4 Count Breath as Emergency Tool of Self-Support


Heaven’s Journey To Life

Creation’s Journey to Life

Earth’s Journey to Life


7 Year Journey to Life @ Facebook


Books Interviews Information Music

Day 197: ‘No’: Reaction, continued and Mind Control


 Continued from Day 196…


Looking into the scenario of a moment in my energy existence that I opened up in the previous post – an outline of an interaction with another being in which I stand as self-righteousness within the ‘No’ as a refusal – here an obvious example, sample of this ‘who I am’ within and as mind-control, as a contained consciousness system with no actual concern for the physical reality that I have accepted and allowed myself to be as separated from – no concern except how I may use it or utilize it as a service provider for the purpose of more energy, interpreted through the mind consciousness as ‘goods’ and ‘bads’ within my relationships to who I am as feelings and emotions.

The specific dynamics of this mind-control start to become visible to me when I look at how I am within what I have accepted as who I am in these relationships – toward myself, my self interested experience of myself, and towards the other being, not as a physical reality but as a competing system, as myself. I forgive myself that within this I have created a relationship in which I see the other being as the embodiment of the evils within me that I am unwilling to acknowledge or face up to, and so within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to utilize this projection as a way to justify my self righteousness, in which essentially I am playing games of energy in the abuse of another being for the sake of making real this illusion of myself as an accumulation of energy as positive feeling in an idea of superiority.


So in this sample, a relationship that I have accepted and allowed within which I am responding automatically (or as a decision that I do take responsibility for) to fear – ‘fear of being controlled’, as a basis for this ‘No’ reaction towards manipulation – and within this, ridiculously enough, an image in my mind, of who I am as ‘free’. How is it that this contradiction has not been apparent?


So it is supportive to me and all as me – and by this I mean as equal beings integrated as we are within the fake realities of consciousness –  to understand more clearly what is mind-control – for, as shown in the sample of the previous post, the consequence of this deliberate ignorance of self is an existence in this physical reality while oblivious to it in fact, neglecting it for the sake of a continuation of this energy systemization of myself that I have accepted and allowed in concordance with the judgements of my mind as ‘who I am’ – in which essentially, I am busy entertained within my mind as swinging between conquest and defeat, saving ‘face’, and standing ‘ground’. And within this what is squandered is the realization that I have this opportunity for actual life on this Earth, to be actually physically lived, in fact. That is as physical within the laws of physics.


When I look at how I first encountered the concept of ‘mind control’, I see that it was ready-couched within a story of a relationship in which the innocent beings were being irradiated by nasty secret forces and organisations and conspiracies, with disinformation, with subliminal threats and suggestions, with mesmerizing rays, hypnosis and lies. And I see how that in accepting this story that I have absorbed it from the system, that I have within this accepted ‘mind-control’ as presented to me in the context of self righteousness in this ‘us’ as innocents and ‘them’ as the nasty evil ones to blame – and that in swallowing this, that I have accepted and allowed myself to justify and excuse my non responsibility, while at the same time emphasize this image in my mind of who I am as ‘free’.


Interesting that here the reality of the mind control of beings through their own minds as consciousness does not come into the equation, and that within accepting and allowing definitions of the words of mind-control in the contexts of self righteousness and blame, that the question of who am I within and as and responsible for the relationships that I have accepted and allowed towards for example the energy experience of fear has made it possible for me to be controlled according to my own acceptance and allowance and design.


I commit myself to deconstruct this system that I have accepted and allowed of self-righteousness and blame, through which I have accepted and allowed within myself to throw the very key of change away as who I am as self responsibility within this.


It is not that this mind-control does not exist, it obviously does exist, as wall to wall disinformation and lies and distortions of the truth, as entertainment stories with sub-texts, as information that has been filtered through the censors of corporate interests – but all of it is coming through the human beings that have found places in the system from which they are able to expound their perspectives and beliefs and their manipulation strategies towards the world or towards the market place – but all of it from the starting-point of who they are within their minds as consciousness as mind-controlled.


So, bringing it all back to me within this example, sample of my life as an energetic ‘me’ personality functioning within and as my mind-controlled existence as consciousness, as an energy reality – here I see myself in the activity of asserting, exerting my energy reality onto another being, as attempted mind control, by projecting blame onto them as if – according to belief within my mind – that they have the power to ‘make’ me do something, or ‘make me feel’ something, one way or another, or to ‘force’ me into the position of having to experience myself – that I assert this same belief that I can do the same – that I can in fact ‘make’ them feel something, or that I can somehow undermine and destabilize them within themselves, for the sake of my own profit of energy and corporate self interest.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am not responsible for the energy experience within me, be it thought or emotion or feeling, and I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have through the acceptance of this belief within me to have blamed other people for ‘making’ me feel or to experience myself the way I do, and also through my acceptance and allowance of this same belief to then believe that I can accumulate advantage in myself by attempting to ‘make’ another being through their consciousness to experience themselves the way I want them to, so that I remain within and as control. Within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to continue to be trapped within and as this programming as who I am within my mind.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist in a reality of self deceit in which I have accepted and allowed myself to define myself according to beliefs and according to what I am ‘supposed’ to be according to the knowledge information and examples and authorities and systems that surround me in this world rather than first checking inside me in self-honesty, who I am to this, who I am within me to this world, who I am to this being that stands before me in this world. 




New Interviews: Sunette Spies: 

Day 343 The meaning of Self –for-Gifting/Giving Life pt 1

Day 344 The meaning of Self- for-Gifting/Giving Life part 2


Bernard Poolman: Changing the Character of the World



the FREE DIP LITE Course now available to All  – simply sign up and start- This is a powerful free introduction to real self-exploration, and self realisation using the Desteni tools, with online support. This really is an opportunity of a life time.



The Quantum Mind
This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact in specific details.


4 Count Breath as Emergency Tool of Self-Support


Heaven’s Journey To Life

Creation’s Journey to Life

Earth’s Journey to Life


7 Year Journey to Life @ Facebook


Books Interviews Information Music

Day 196: ‘No’: Reaction


The reactive ‘No’ of my refusal carries a self-righteousness, an appeal to my image of who I am as freedom, that I am in the instant of my reaction totally believing in. It is like an absolute denial of my enslavement, a commitment to an image in my mind of who I am as free, and standing as this as, superiority, as positive energy, and blame upon the bad one that seeks to undermine my freedom.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react with ‘No’ to what I have interpreted as manipulation, in which I fear that I am being tricked in some way, that I am being controlled, and in this reaction I forgive myself that I have manipulated myself to feel righteous and positive about not considering what is being asked of me, and just simply saying no, excusing myself from these considerations – in which there was an opportunity to find a solution that was best for all, given the facts of what needed to be done and what was here – so I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be dwelling instead on blame about the way that I was approached, in which I have deliberately taken the situation personally as an affront upon my dignity or my authority, or my status as a free person. I forgive myself in this that I have accepted and allowed myself to seek to win within this situation by saying ‘no’. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see within this situation that I have reacted self righteously so quickly because I do not wish to experience myself as an inferior in this relationship, that in being manipulated therefore I have lost, and that within that loss, I do not want to experience myself as being exploited or utilized for the purposes of another. Within this also I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to try and protect me from my own experience of myself by distracting me with ideas in my mind about the motivations of the other person where I seek out little prizes of self righteousness through blame and seek out instances of inferiority in the other person, rather than considering who they really are, or what it may be like to be standing in their shoes. Within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear that the object of blame that I see through my eyes before me is an actual image of myself and within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear to see myself in how I myself have manipulated other people to make them do what I want them to do, because I have accepted and allowed myself to fear to ask directly, because I have accepted and allowed myself to fear the answer ‘No’.


I commit myself to release myself from the enslavement of these reaction games within my mind by facing who I am within them. I commit myself to when I am asked to do something to stop and breath and give me space and consider what it is that I am being informed is needed to be done so that I can respond to what is here in a way that is part of the solution of what is best for all. 




New Interviews: Sunette Spies: 

Day 343 The meaning of Self –for-Gifting/Giving Life pt 1

Day 344 The meaning of Self- for-Gifting/Giving Life part 2


Bernard Poolman: Changing the Character of the World



the FREE DIP LITE Course now available to All  – simply sign up and start- This is a powerful free introduction to real self-exploration, and self realisation using the Desteni tools, with online support. This really is an opportunity of a life time.



The Quantum Mind
This series is for a serious student that cares about LIFE and endeavour to understand how creation functions in fact in specific details.


4 Count Breath as Emergency Tool of Self-Support


Heaven’s Journey To Life

Creation’s Journey to Life

Earth’s Journey to Life


7 Year Journey to Life @ Facebook


Books Interviews Information Music